Academics Overview

Preparing students to build and lead the future of health care

The University of Arizona Health Sciences includes the College of Health Sciences, College of Medicine – PhoenixCollege of Medicine – TucsonCollege of Nursing, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.

Arizona Area Health Education Centers

The Arizona Area Health Education Centers program focuses on developing integrated, sustainable, health care workforce education programs with an emphasis on primary care and increasing access in Arizona's rural and underserved communities. The program works to improve the supply, quality and distribution of the health workforce.

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full auditorium watching a presentation

clinical instructor demonstrating procedure on mannequin

Arizona Simulation Technology & Education Center

The Arizona Simulation Technology & Education Center provides innovative, collaborative learning opportunities for new students and seasoned practitioners to learn, practice and assess their understanding of procedures in a high-tech, realistically simulated environment. ASTEC engages learners at all levels by utilizing high-fidelity simulation technology with innovative methods of experiential learning theory.

Health Sciences Design Program

The Health Sciences Design Program engages undergraduate, graduate and professional students from all disciplines in the development of solutions to health care challenges. The program offers an innovation space that includes advanced equipment and expert faculty and staff, giving students an opportunity to develop critical skills and competencies in health sciences design thinking.

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student watching 3D printer at work

Tomorrow is here.