Serving Your Audience

July 13, 2021

Include Your Audience

Being in the audience at an in-person event makes us feel connected to the people around us and those on stage. Recreating a sense of connection in virtual events can be as simple as taking audience questions. For an upcoming online event, Dubois will even bring the audience into the physical space with presenters, showing them on monitors in a style many will have seen on the TV show, "The Voice."

Content is Key

Live events are a layered experience. Beyond programming, they're a chance to go out and be among people. Without those added benefits, it's vital that virtual events deliver compelling and useful information. Tracy Shake: "Give them something they need and at a time when they need it."

Market as Much or More

Don't assume that just because parking is a non-issue you'll have great turnout. Market virtual events as much or more than you would a live event, including asking partners on and off campus to help get out the word. Ross Dubois: "What's the strategy for building your audience? How do we promote this event creatively and get people to show up?"

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