Dr. Christopher Edwards re-elected to two pharmacy posts
Christopher Edwards, PharmD, BCPS, an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science in the University of Arizona R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, was invited to serve a second term as a state delegate to the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ House of Delegates. He was also re-elected as chair of the Specialty Council on Emergency Medicine Pharmacy at the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.
Dr. Edwards is one of three delegates representing Arizona as part of the 215 national members of the ASHP House of Delegates. He previously served a three-year term from 2020-2023. His current term will run from 2023-2026.

Christopher Edwards, PharmD, BCPS
The House of Delegates is “the ultimate authority over ASHP professional policies, which express the society’s stance on important issues related to pharmacy practice and medication use in society” according to its website.
“I’m excited to continue to represent pharmacists and technicians practicing in Arizona to ensure ASHP policy, whitepapers and statements are consistent with best practices within the state,” Dr. Edwards said.
His involvement in ASHP has spanned 15 years. He has served as chair for the Council of Education and Workforce Development, chair for the Section Advisory Group on Emergency Medicine and he currently serves as president of the Arizona Pharmacy Association Health-Systems Academy which is the state affiliate chapter of ASHP.
Dr. Edwards’ second term as chair of the Specialty Council on Emergency Medicine Pharmacy will run through 2024. The council was started in 2021 and he has served as chair since its inception.
“I have been involved in work to establish board certification for Emergency Medicine Pharmacists since 2017, including participation in a Role Delineation Study to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities required of an emergency medicine pharmacist,” said Dr. Edwards, who has been a board-certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist since 2009.
He was one of four emergency medicine pharmacists who drafted a petition to the Board of Pharmacy Specialties to recognize emergency medicine as a specialty. The petition led to the formation of the council and the newest specialty certification. “The first cohort of board certified emergency medicine pharmacists will be tested this spring,” said Dr. Edwards. “It has been an honor to be involved with this huge advancement in emergency medicine pharmacy practice and I’m excited to continue to lead this council.”
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists represents 60,000 pharmacists, student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in all patient care settings. They are the accrediting body for pharmacy residency and technician training programs and they provide comprehensive resources to support pharmacy professionals through every stage of their careers.
The Board of Pharmacy Specialties is an international post-licensure certification agency that operates across the pharmacy profession to provide specialty certification of pharmacists.