Events Celebrate All of Us Program Success and Research

(From left) Barry Wong, JD, director of the Governor’s Office of Equal Opportunity, presents the governor’s proclamation declaring March “Arizonans in Health Research Month” to Jennifer Craig-Muller, director of All of Us UArizona-Banner, and Eric Reiman, MD, chief executive director of Banner Research and principal investigator for All of Us UArizona-Banner.
To celebrate registering their 50,000th participant, the University of Arizona – Banner Health All of Us Research Program recently held three events in Tucson and Phoenix – including one where Barry Wong, JD, director of the Governor’s Office of Equal Opportunity, presented the All of Us team with a proclamation from Gov. Doug Ducey declaring March “Arizonans in Health Research Month.”
The NIH All of Us Research Program, which launched in May 2018, has a 10-year goal to register 1 million or more participants nationally. The Arizona team has a goal of 100,000 participants. The program is part of a National Institutes of Health effort to build the largest and most diverse database of health information that researchers can then use to study health and illness.
At the Phoenix Bioscience Core campus, the governor’s proclamation was presented at a luncheon for media and outlets interviewed All of Us leadership, participants and researchers. There also was an evening reception for community partners and stakeholders to celebrate the milestone.
At the UArizona Health Sciences campus in Tucson, a 50k Strong Arizona Celebration and Research Showcase introduced researchers, faculty and students in science and medicine fields to the Researcher Workbench, where they can use the vast data collected by the program.
Designing and developing precision treatments for all populations is a strategic area of focus for Health Sciences.