Feast for Your Brain Fed Hunger for Healthy Brain Knowledge

Attendees at the inaugural Feast for Your Brain event at the Health Sciences Innovation Building on Sept. 10 try on special eyeglasses that simulate macular degenerative disease.
The inaugural Feast for Your Brain community event sponsored by the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and the Precision Aging Network was held Sept. 10 on the Health Sciences campus in Tucson. It included 23 information tables, a variety of activities, presentations, music, dance performances, tai chi demonstrations, health screenings and prize raffles.
The event was to teach people about healthy aging, brain health, and the Precision Aging Network, a community-engaged brain aging research project that will help researchers discover how to reduce cognitive decline and age-related disease. About 50 attendees completed a 10-minute online memory test at the event.
“This event brings together our many community partners in southern Arizona and our health science expertise in healthy aging for a fun day of information and performances,” said Zhao Chen, PhD, MPH, professor and associate dean for research at the Zuckerman College of Public Health. “We want to engage people and show them the benefits of participating in the Precision Aging Network research studies.”
Read more about the event here.