Incoming Tucson Medical Students Receive White Coats

The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson Class of 2024 is entering medical school at a time when medical services and our community’s health are more important than ever. A rite of passage for incoming medical students, the White Coat Ceremony signifies a student’s acceptance into medical school and their commitment to compassionate patient care. After being robed with their first coats and given stethoscopes, students recite an oath acknowledging their dedication to patients.
In recognition of the pandemic, the Class of 2024 skipped the White Coat Ceremony and instead broke into groups of six to get to know each other in a more intimate setting. Small groups were divided by “Societies Houses,” each of which is led by a house dean who provides career counseling and support as students train to be physicians. Wearing face masks and practicing safe physical distancing, the Class of 2024 received their coats and met their house deans, who told them what to expect on their med school journeys.