Student COVID-19 Testing is a Key to Campus Reentry Process

Clinical research coordinator Brenna Abril instructs students in self-administering the nasal swab antigen test at the Recreation and Wellness Center, known as NorthREC, in Tucson.
As students returned to the University of Arizona for classes in August, those who planned to live in a dorm were required to take a diagnostic test for COVID-19. The test was optional, but encouraged, for those who live in off-campus housing.
The process is part of the Test, Trace, Treat plan for safely returning to campus after months of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The test looks for antigens, or active signs of infection, even if the person tested is asymptomatic.
The university has designated isolation spaces set up for those who test positive and need to move in order to prevent possible exposure to roommates and others. Testing is one aspect of the overall public health measures put in place to protect the campus community during the pandemic.
Read more about precautions added, or view a gallery of the measures throughout the Health Sciences campuses.