A New Direction for Health Sciences
This is an exciting time for the University of Arizona Health Sciences. We are moving forward on multiple fronts as we endeavor to reshape the future of health care and address critical health care challenges across our state and around the world – challenges that certainly are daunting, but that also are providing us with unprecedented opportunities to excel in education and research in more and better ways than ever before.
In the coming days and weeks, there will be several manifestations of our new direction as we reintroduce the University of Arizona Health Sciences to those who have known and supported us for many years, as well as present Health Sciences for the first time to those who may never have heard of us until now.
The week of Nov. 4 holds numerous opportunities for us to connect with the local and state community, potential benefactors and advocates, and peer institution faculty and staff.
On Monday, Nov. 4, we will be hosting a Cancer Prevention Public Forum in the Health Sciences Innovation Building from 4:00–5:30 p.m., featuring Clara Curiel, MD, and Juanita Merchant, MD, PhD, from the College of Medicine – Tucson; Daniel Derksen, MD, and Jennifer Hatcher, PhD, MPH, RN, from the Mel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health; and Lois Loescher, PhD, RN, from the College of Nursing. All are welcome to attend.
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, we will be hosting an Open House for the local community, including first-come/first-served tours at the top of the hour throughout the day. Please encourage your family and friends to take advantage of this opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at our new facility and some of the outstanding work we do.
Lastly, in this first wave of outreach, we will be introducing a new television, digital and social media campaign around the theme of Tomorrow is Here, targeting specific audiences across Arizona and at peer academic medical centers, as well as the general public. Please take a moment to view the 60-second TV commercial and explore the supporting website, where we will be producing and sharing stories that tell the many ways we are making a difference in addressing the critical areas of next-generation education, precision medicine for all, innovations in healthy aging, creating defenses against disease, and harnessing big data for personalized care.
I hope you share my enthusiasm for the unique position we are in and the opportunities we have to effect change in this rapidly shifting health care landscape. The strengths we possess as faculty and staff in this particular place at this particular time give us an incredible advantage that we can use in our education and research efforts to improve the health and well-being of individuals in the local community, across the state of Arizona, and around the world for generations to come.
Thank you for your continued commitment to excellence and your willingness to be bold as we live up to the promise we have as educators, researchers and health care providers working at the University of Arizona Health Sciences.
Michael D. Dake, MD
Senior Vice President
University of Arizona Health Sciences

Tomorrow is here.