Dr. Carol C. Gregorio Named to Global Health Sciences Leadership Roles
As we all are witnessing over the past several weeks, the health care challenges of the 21st century are global.

Carol C. Gregorio, PhD
Today, in support of that critical effort, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Carol C. Gregorio, PhD, to the roles of Interim Executive Director for UArizona Health Sciences International, and Assistant Vice Provost for Global Health Sciences.
In her new roles, Dr. Gregorio will be a key leader responsible for coordinating our interprofessional Health Sciences International programs, and working closely with the five Health Sciences College Deans to meet their specific objectives. Her leadership will be vitally important as we develop and grow our global education programs.
Dr. Gregorio is internationally recognized as a leader in heart muscle research. She joined the College of Medicine – Tucson faculty in 1996, and is a Professor and Department Head of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. She also is Co-Director of the Sarver Heart Center, Director of the Molecular Cardiovascular Research Program and a member of the BIO5 Institute.
Dr. Gregorio serves on numerous international editorial and scientific boards, and as a keynote speaker at scientific meetings. She has been the principal investigator or co-principal investigator of grants totaling more than $85 million from organizations including NIH, Burroughs Welcome, Human Frontier Science Program and the American Heart Association. She also has received numerous awards for her research, including the R.R. Bensley Award for Cell Biologist of the Year. She is the author or co-author of more than 90 articles published in professional journals, including Nature, Cell, Circulation and Science Advances.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Gregorio on her new roles. We are confident that her leadership will help position Health Sciences and UArizona International at the forefront of health sciences education worldwide.
Michael D. Dake, MD
Senior Vice President
University of Arizona Health Sciences
Brent White
Vice Provost for Global Affairs
University of Arizona International