Move Arizona: Campus walking groups

Feb. 18, 2025

Life and Work Connections

Let's get moving together! Whether you are a family caregiver, a professional caregiver, or caring for yourself, take time to move and connect with others. During Move Arizona (Feb. 26-April 22), Eileen Lawless, Dependent Care Specialist at Life and Work Connections will host walking groups at three locations on campus at 12:15 p.m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This walking group can be a time to get your movement in for Move Arizona, connect with other caregivers, or take a break! Register to join us at a location and day that works for you for a 15-30-minute casual walk. Our Health Sciences route is on Mondays and will start and end in front of College of Medicine (between Sarver Heart Center and Life Sciences North). The Wednesday route meets in front of the Student Union Memorial Center and the Friday walk meets in the Highland Commons. 

If you are a Move Arizona Wildcat Caregiver or any other Move Arizona team member, please use these walking groups to track your movement.

Audiences: Staff, Research and Teaching Faculty/Postdoc

Contact Info: Eileen Lawless -, Life & Work Connections

Price: Free

More Information and registration


Life & Work Connections