David García is named to the board of directors of NASH kNOWledge Sept. 19, 2022 David Garcia, PhD, associate professor in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, joined the board of directors of NASH kNOWledge, an organization that provides education and awareness of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. AL DÍA News
7 foods to eat and 7 to avoid if you have Graves' disease Sept. 19, 2022 Experts shared dietary tips for people with Graves' disease. Health Digest
Digital health news, funding roundup Sept. 19, 2022 8chili, a deep tech company building the underlying infrastructure for metaverse content creation and distribution, entered into a collaboration with the UArizona Health Sciences Arizona Simulation Technology and Education Center to test and design educational tools on the HintVR Virtual Reality Simulation Platform. Vator
Why does the omicron booster contain the Wuhan strain? Sept. 17, 2022 Bivalent vaccines contain the mRNA components of the spike genes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus ancestral strain and the BA.4/5 subvariants. The Epoch Times
Image Scholarship Program Welcomes Latest Cohort of Future Physicians Sept. 16, 2022 Twenty-seven medical students have been awarded scholarships through the Primary Care Physician Scholarship Program. Read more
Will there be a COVID-19 surge this fall? What experts are predicting Sept. 16, 2022 Health experts are expecting another COVID-19 surge this fall and winter due to waning immunity from vaccines and more people spending time indoors. Natasha Bhuyan, MD, clinical assistant professor in the College of Medicine – Phoenix, is quoted Verywell Health
Amid pandemic uncertainties, Latino immigrants put trust in their 'promotoras' Sept. 16, 2022 From providing accurate COVID-19 information to advocating for testing and vaccination with cultural sensitivity, promotoras, or Spanish-speaking community health workers, were key to serving marginalized Hispanic populations. Jill Guernsey de Zapien Border, director of the Transborder and Binational Public Health program in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, is quoted. National Geographic
Image Students Learn Design Thinking in Unique Research Project Sept. 15, 2022 Building an AI tool to improve medical interviews is the continuing focus of a Vertically Integrated Project offered by Health Sciences Design. Read more
Students learn design thinking in unique research project Sept. 15, 2022 Building an AI tool to improve medical interviews is the continuing focus of a Vertically Integrated Project offered by the UArizona Health Sciences Design program. Related content. National Cyber Security News Today