‘Nerdy Girl’ Is Star in Family Medicine Oct. 26, 2020 Sarah Coles, MD, is an assistant professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Family Medicine Residency was recently named chair of the AAFP’s Commission on Health of the Public and Science. She also has joined the collection of researchers and clinicians dubbed the “Nerdy Girls,” who provide the public with evidence-based information about COVID-19 through the Dear Pandemic website and social media. American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
'What Will Happen?' Among an Anxious Electorate, Some Plan to Move, Others Buy Guns Oct. 26, 2020 While the days leading up to most presidential elections carry a certain frenzied, exhausted energy fueled by attack ads and nonstop robocalls, this election cycle has felt abnormally anxiety-inducing for many Americans. “We’re certainly in the middle of a perfect storm,” said Dr. Esther Sternberg, research director at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Humans respond physiologically to stress — we sweat, our hearts race — and those responses, Sternberg said, are essential for our survival. Los Angeles Times
From Over-Sleeping to COVID-Somnia, How the Pandemic Is Affecting Sleep Cycles, and What to Do About It Oct. 26, 2020 As people have adjusted their daytime rhythms to the pandemic, experts say they have also experienced changes in their sleep patterns. "People are having to find new rhythms in their life, and sometimes it's throwing their sleep off," said Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson. INSIDER
UArizona Researchers Have Breakthrough Related to Stomach Cancer Oct. 25, 2020 Researchers at the University of Arizona have found a promising new biomarker that may help with early detection of stomach cancer. Published in Gut, the journal of the British Society of Gastroenterology, the study was led by Juanita L. Merchant, MD, PhD, chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson. Eastern Arizona Courier
Ann Fish: This Journalist Remembers Documenting Mammogram Testing in 1970s Oct. 24, 2020 Journalist Ann Fish writes about her experience getting a mammography screening for breast cancer at the University of Arizona Medical Center in the early 1970s. She was part of a national program to screen 270,000 women for the early detection of breast cancer. Greensboro News & Record (North Carolina)
Pima County Braces for Rise in COVID-19 Cases as Arizona Continues to See Increase Oct. 23, 2020 Positive COVID-19 cases are on the rise in Pima County. "Given the possibility of exponential growth, current conditions could deteriorate rapidly," said Joe Gerald, an associate professor at University of Arizona's Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. KGUN-TV (ABC) Tucson
A Second Pathway Into Cells for SARS-CoV-2: New Understanding of the Neuropilin-1 Protein Could Speed Vaccine Research Oct. 23, 2020 Rajesh Khanna and Aubin Moutal, researchers in the University of Arizona's Department of Pharmacology at the College of Medicine - Tucson, write that new research shows that neuropilin-1 is an independent doorway for the COVID-19 virus to infect cells. This discovery provides insights that may reveal ways to block the virus. The Conversation
Eczema Awareness Month Highlights Condition's Burden Oct. 23, 2020 October, recognized as Eczema Awareness Month, is dedicated to informing those affected and their families, as well as spreading information regarding the condition to the general public. Dr. Vivian Shi, an associate professor of dermatology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, is interviewed about what patients and providers should know about eczema. Healio
Mt. Graham Moving Closer to Critical Access Hospital Designation Oct. 23, 2020 Gila Valley residents could soon see expanded cardiology, wound care and inpatient dialysis services if things go as planned for Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center. The hospital is taking the final steps necessary to be designated a critical access hospital, which would allow it to be reimbursed differently by Medicare and Medicaid. Jill Bullock from the University of Arizona Center for Rural Health, which is helping the hospital during the process, spoke to people at a public meeting on Thursday night. Eastern Arizona Courier
4 Ways to Prepare Yourself for a Good Night's Sleep, According to Sleep Scientists Oct. 23, 2020 Experts say that two or three hours before people go to sleep, they should start thinking about when and how they're going to unwind. Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson, said he spends some time catching up on work after dinner, but he always plans ahead for what time he'll need to put his work down. INSIDER