Image Destination Known: The Class of 2023 Match into Residency March 17, 2023 Amidst family and friends, College of Medicine – Phoenix medical students unveiled the next step in their respective journeys. Read more
The top 5 biosimilar articles for the week of March 13 March 17, 2023 Ivo Abraham, PhD, professor of practice in the R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, published the second half of an examination of World Health Organization guidelines for biosimilars – medical products that are almost identical copies of an original, but from a different manufacturer. Center for Biosimilars
Image Monitoring the immune system to unlock new treatments March 16, 2023 A University of Arizona Health Sciences shared resource helps researchers advance their science by sorting and characterizing the immune system. Read more
OB-GYN workforce shortages could worsen maternal health crisis March 16, 2023 A patchwork of state laws in the aftermath of the Supreme Court's abortion decision, combined with pandemic-related burnout and low reimbursement rates, could exacerbate an already looming national shortage of obstetrician-gynecologists. The Bellingham Herald
Health-related quality of life in the keynote-826 trial in patients with cervical cancer March 15, 2023 A phase III clinical trial found that the addition of pembrolizumab to chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab did not adversely affect health-related quality of life in patients with persistent, recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer. The ASCO Post
How to lose body fat: The science-backed ways that actually work March 15, 2023 Sleeping doesn't burn many calories, but experts say getting enough rest still plays an important role in good health, because it can affect your ability to stick with healthy habits. Livestrong
Image Future physicians to begin their next chapter at Match Day Ceremony March 14, 2023 On March 17, 110 University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson medical students will learn where they will complete their residency training. Read more
Image CAMI symposium to focus on immune system profiling, monitoring March 14, 2023 On March 16, a free symposium will highlight the latest research in immune profiling and monitoring. Read more
Image Joy, anticipation part of Match Day memories March 14, 2023 Whether planning, participating or watching a loved one, Health Sciences faculty and staff recall the range of emotions on pharmacy and medicine Match Days. Read more
Scholarship for potential health care workers March 14, 2023 The Payson Hospital Medical Staff Scholarship is being offered to facilitate the further education of potential health practitioners who may return to work in Payson. Payson Roundup