Adolescent Overdose Deaths Doubled in 2020 and Spiked in 2021 April 12, 2022 Overdose deaths in adolescents nearly doubled in 2020 from the year before and increased substantially in 2021 after nearly a decade of fairly stable rates, according to data published in a JAMA research letter. A Health Sciences assistant professor is quoted. Medscape
UA Doctor Recommends Second Booster for Some People April 12, 2022 The second COVID-19 booster shot is available for those who are 50 or older or have underlying health problems, but many are left wondering if they should get it. KJZZ-FM (Phoenix, AZ)
Arizona Universities to Identify Valley Fever Hotspots to Prevent Infections April 12, 2022 The Valley Fever Collaborative, a University of Arizona Health Sciences-led partnership with Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University, was awarded $3.1 million in Regents’ Grant funding by the Arizona Board of Regents to start an integrated, statewide research project to identify, characterize and map hotspots and routes of exposure for Valley fever. KPNX-TV (Phoenix, AZ)
Thumbnail Uncovering a Connection Between Cannabinoids and Migraine April 11, 2022 Researchers in the Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center are seeking new therapies for migraine in an unlikely place – the endogenous cannabinoid system. Read more
Image ABOR Votes to Confirm 5 New UArizona Regents Professors April 11, 2022 The Arizona Board of Regents voted to confirm the appointments of University of Arizona Health Sciences faculty members Drs. Juanita Merchant and Donata Vercelli as Regents Professors. Read more
Now’s a Great Time to Receive Your COVID-19 Vaccine April 11, 2022 If you haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine yet, now’s the time to join many other of your fellow Arizonans doing so right now. KTAR-FM (Phoenix, AZ)
With New Grant Funding, Researchers Hope to Identify Valley Fever Hotspots April 11, 2022 The Arizona Board of Regents is putting $4.5 million toward Valley fever research over the next three years. KJZZ-FM (Phoenix, AZ)
Our Neighbor’s Farm and Pantry Holds Free Health Screenings April 11, 2022 Our Neighbor’s Farm and Pantry will distribute food on April 12 as well as offer free health screenings and information 10 a.m. to noon with support from the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. Gila Valley Central
COVID-19 Is Still Circulating in Arizona. Is It Too Soon to Stop Wearing Masks on Planes? April 11, 2022 COVID-19 is still circulating in the U.S. and Arizona, but one of the last holdout rules for preventing the virus may soon go away: face mask requirements on public transportation, including planes. The Arizona Republic