New Director, Assistant Director Named at UA Fellowship in Integrative Medicine
Aug. 20, 2019
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine expands as Ann Marie Chiasson, MD, MPH, and Lise Alschuler, ND, accept leadership roles in the Center’s flagship program.


Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson
Dr. Chiasson is a 2004 alumna of the Fellowship in Integrative Medicine and has been a faculty member since 2006. A nationally acclaimed speaker, she is board certified in hospice, palliative medicine and family medicine, and is the author of “Energy Healing.”
“Having been through the Fellowship and working as an integrative medicine practitioner and educator, I am excited to take on this strategic role,” Dr. Chiasson said. “I truly believe this program is extraordinary and I’m looking forward to guiding our world-renowned contributors, multimedia curriculum and experiential learning.”
Dr. Alschuler is executive director of TAP Integrative, a nonprofit educational resource for integrative practitioners. In practice since 1994, Dr. Alschuler is board certified in naturopathic oncology and was a Fellowship faculty member prior to being named assistant director.
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Dr. Lise Alschuler
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship in Integrative Medicine is the largest integrative medicine program in the world with nearly 1,400 graduates from all 50 states and 28 countries and territories.
The Center’s Executive Director Victoria Maizes, MD, notes, “We are incredibly lucky to have these two exemplary physicians leading our Fellowship. They bring with them extraordinary talent and leadership.”
About the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine (AWCIM) at the University of Arizona is leading the transformation of health care by creating, educating and actively supporting a community that embodies the philosophy and practice of healing-oriented medicine. AWCIM is internationally recognized for its evidence-based clinical practice, innovative educational programs and research that substantiates the field of integrative medicine and influences public policy. Since its creation in 1994, AWCIM’s vision of making integrative care available to all is being realized worldwide: AWCIM graduates now are guiding more than 1 million patients to take a greater role in their health and healing. To learn more about AWCIM, please visit or connect on Facebook or Twitter.