Roanoke College names historic building after M. Paul Capp, College of Medicine – Tucson professor emeritus


U of A College of Medicine – Tucson

M. Paul Capp, MD, a professor in the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, Department of Radiology, for 23 years and a professor emeritus for an additional 32 years, will have a building named in his honor at Roanoke College in Virginia. Capp, who earned his undergraduate degree from the college in 1952, has remained a dedicated alumni to the school. In his honor, the college's board of trustees will officially name the 178-year-old administration building in his honor. 

Capp earned his medical degree from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and then did his residency at Duke University. He joined the University of Arizona College of Medicine  – Tucson in 1970 where he was a professor and chair of the Department of Radiology. He retired in 1993 and was named a professor emeritus. 

Roanoke College will host a naming ceremony on April 3, officially naming the M. Paul Capp Administration Building. A longer version of this story originally published on the Roanoke College website