Why you're doing less but sleeping more during the coronavirus pandemic April 7, 2020 Sleep experts say many people are experiencing deep vivid, memorable and realistic dreams during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Dreams are our brains' processing and organizing and integrating and making sense of things. We're dumped in this new environment and we're trying to figure out our place in it," said Michael Grandner, director the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson. Business Insider
Image Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Jonathan Holmes Appointed UArizona Chair of Ophthalmology April 6, 2020 Jonathan M. Holmes, MD, a pediatric eye care and an alignment specialist, has been named the chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson. Read more
Image Is COVID-19 Keeping You at Home? Turn Your Place Into a Healing Space April 6, 2020 The way you lay out your physical environment can reduce stress and create calm, says a University of Arizona Health Sciences researcher. Read more
Image UArizona Health Sciences Ships COVID-19 Collection Kits to Navajo Nation April 3, 2020 The University of Arizona Health Sciences ships 250 COVID-19 sample collection kits to Navajo Nation in Window Rock, Arizona, today. Read more
Image UArizona Health Sciences Connects Arizona’s Makerspaces in COVID-19 Response April 3, 2020 A network formed to support the University of Arizona Health Sciences Design Program proves invaluable in uniting the state’s makerspaces – collaborative workspaces with a variety of high- and low-technology tools for making, learning, exploring and sharing. Read more
Health workers, aid groups step in to fill Spanish-language gap around COVID-19 April 3, 2020 More than 1 million people speak Spanish at home in Arizona, but experts say official coronavirus bilingual communication has lagged. Dr. Cecilia Rosales, a public health expert and the interim associate dean of community engagement at the University of Arizona's Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, leads a team that conducts mobile health screenings for Spanish-speaking communities in the state. Arizona Public Media
Image UArizona Nursing Professor Suggests Using Guided Imagery to Deal with Stress and Social Isolation April 2, 2020 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Judith Gordon suggests using guided imagery for dealing with the potential negative health effects of social isolation. Read more
Image UArizona Regents Professor Submits Designs to DOD for Three Low-Cost Ventilator Prototypes – One Using a Basketball April 2, 2020 Led by Regents Professor Dr. Marvin J. Slepian, a team from the University of Arizona Center for Accelerated Biomedical Innovation has submitted a proposal to the U.S. Department of Defense for three ventilator prototypes – including one using a basketball – that offer simple, low-cost designs featuring easily acquired materials that could be fabricated rapidly and used for full or partial ventilator support. Read more