Second annual Washington summit to focus on healthy aging
A one-day summit will present the latest research and explore collaborative partnerships designed to find solutions to the challenges and opportunities of healthy aging.

- What: Innovations in Healthy Aging 2023 Summit: Building Resiliency with Healthy Aging Research
- When: Wednesday, May 24, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET
- Where: University of Arizona Center for Outreach and Collaboration, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 500, Washington, D.C., and online. A livestream link will be sent to those registering to participate online.
- Registration:
The University of Arizona Health Sciences is hosting its second annual Innovations in Healthy Aging Summit, a one-day hybrid event on May 24. The goal of the summit is to create collaborative partnerships between government, academia and industry that support high-impact research and link educational pathways to workforce needs.
Scholars and leaders in the aging field, including regulators, practitioners, researchers and administrators, will discuss cutting-edge collaborative research that meets the needs of older adults. Attendees will share current research, generate new ideas and foster partnerships that will lead to the development of innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities of healthy aging.
The event, which is free and open to the public, is hosted by Innovations in Healthy Aging, a strategic initiative of UArizona Health Sciences. Registration is required.
“The annual Innovations in Healthy Aging Summit in Washington, D.C., brings together researchers, policy makers, practitioners and philanthropy leaders to reexamine the road to better aging with the latest evidence,” said Tara Sklar, JD, MPH, senior advisor to Innovations in Healthy Aging and director of the Health Law and Policy program in the UArizona James E. Rogers College of Law. “This year’s summit focuses on three key drivers of healthy aging. Those include nonmedical factors such as social isolation and belonging, research at the cellular level to improve the lifespan, and adaptive built environments.”
The speakers include:
- Kathleen Insel, PhD, RN, director, Innovations in Healthy Aging; professor, UArizona College of Nursing
- Mindy Fain, MD, associate director, Innovations in Healthy Aging; professor, UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson; co-director, Arizona Center on Aging
- Esther Sternberg, MD, associate director, Innovations in Healthy Aging; professor, College of Medicine – Tucson; director of research, Andrew Weil Center for Innogrative Medicine
- Tara Sklar, JD, MPH, senior advisor, Innovations in Healthy Aging; director , Health Law and Policy Program, James E. Rogers College of Law
- Lindsay A. Goldman, LMSW, chief executive officer, Grantmakers in Aging
- Rick G. Schnellmann, PhD, dean, professor and endowed chair, UArizona R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy
- Nancy Pollock-Ellwand, PhD, FCSLA, dean and professor, College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture
- Tyler Meier, executive director, UArizona Poetry Center
- Carol A. Barnes, PhD, professor, UArizona College of Science; director, Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Institute
- Janko Nikolich, MD, PhD, professor and head, Department of Immunobiology, College of Medicine – Tucson; co-director, Arizona Center on Aging
- Jennie Gubner, PhD, assistant professor, Fred Fox School of Music, UArizona College of Fine Arts
- Kelly Palmer, PhD, assistant professor, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health; associate director, UArizona Health Sciences Center for Health Disparities Research
- Yumi Shirai, PhD, assistant professor, College of Medicine – Tucson
- J. Ray Runyon, PhD, assistant research professor, UArizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Paul Hill, PhD, research scientist, UArizona College of Science
- Aneta Kielar, PhD, assistant professor, UArizona College of Science
- Sydney Streightiff, doctoral candidate, UArizona College of Fine Arts
Annisa Westcott
Innovations in Healthy Aging