Halloween Spirit on Display Throughout Health Sciences

Visitors to the Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute may lose their appetites after seeing this Halloween snack table with “Mystery Meat” and various other snack-sized body parts.
Getting into the spirit is easy as you see the highly decorated halls, offices and doors throughout the University of Arizona Health Sciences campus this Halloween. Whether you are into the scary and gory side of Halloween or the fun and light-hearted decorations, your coworkers have you covered – with webs, spiders and fake blood, that is.
For blood, guts and free-range body parts, consider a visit to the Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute in the College of Medicine – Tucson, where you are sure to get your fill of gore. For a creepy encounter, go no further than the College of Nursing’s main entrance to receive an invitation to “play” with some very messed-up dolls. Or check out the creatively decorated doors and halls on the first two floors of the Nursing building.
Lastly, if you want to “Seymour” creative decorations, head up to the Interprofessional Clinical and Professional Skills Center on the eighth floor of the Health Sciences Innovation Building, where Audrey II from The Little Shop of Horrors has taken over an office – and remember, don’t feed the plants!
Happy Halloween!