Tomorrow’s Primary Care Providers Honored at Tucson Scholarship Reception - Jan. 31, 2020

Caylan Moore, left, and Kaloni Philipp, right, watch on as Naiby Rodriguez, center, hugs China Rae Newman after the PCP Scholarship reception at El Rio in Tucson, Ariz.
The first group of recipients of the Primary Care Physician scholarship program celebrated their awards at a reception in Tucson. These students – eight in Phoenix and 21 in Tucson – are dedicated to increasing access to consistent, culturally sensitive health care for those in Arizona who need it most. They have committed to practicing a primary care profession in Arizona after they graduate, helping to reduce the shortage of such care in underserved urban and rural communities across the state. To create this next generation of Primary Care Physicians, University of Arizona Health Sciences partnered with the State of Arizona in 2019 to take steps to tackle the shortage. In May, the State Legislature and Gov. Doug Ducey approved $8 million in annual funding to support free tuition through the University of Arizona Primary Care Physician Scholarship Program.