Move Arizona: Health Sciences campus walking group

Life & Work Connections

Walking group.


12:15 – 12:45 p.m., Today


Our route starts and ends in front of College of Medicine (between Sarver Heart Center and Life Sciences North).

Walk Details

Let's get moving together! Whether you are a family caregiver, a professional caregiver, or caring for yourself, take time to move and connect with others. During Move Arizona (Feb. 26-April 22), Eileen Lawless, Dependent Care Specialist at Life and Work Connections will host walking groups at three locations on campus at 12:15 pm. This walking group can be a time to get your movement in for Move Arizona, connect with other caregivers, or take a break! Register to join us at a location and day that works for you for a 15-30-minute casual walk. 

If you are a Move Arizona Wildcat Caregiver or any other Move Arizona team member, please use these walking groups to track your movement.

Audiences: staff, research and teaching faculty/postdoc

Contact Info: Eileen Lawless -, Life & Work Connections

Price: Free

More Information and registration


Life & Work Connections