Nursing DNP faculty and residents help homeless veterans

(From left) Kristie Hoch, DNP, CRNA, MS, RRT, an associate clinical professor and program administrator for the nurse anesthesiology program, organizes the clothing donations with program residents Ashley Musante and Jas Gabbidon, at the Veteran Village. Hoch is a veteran of the Army and Army Reserve.
Faculty and residents in the University of Arizona College of Nursing’s Nurse Anesthesiology Doctor of Nursing Practice program have been giving back to unhoused veterans in Tucson this year by volunteering and donating food, gift cards and personal hygiene items to the Veteran Rescue Mission and Veteran Village.
Three of the faculty and several of the nurse anesthesiology residents are veterans themselves and found the experience very impactful. What was supposed to be a one-day volunteer event blossomed into something much more.
The organization’s mission is to locate homeless veterans to help them access benefits and reduce crime recidivism, homelessness and suicide. The Veteran Village offers shelter, a food pantry and clothing bank.
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Nursing DNP faculty and resident veterans help homeless vets