Image Nursing DNP faculty and resident veterans help homeless vets Nov. 6, 2023 Nurse Anesthesiology faculty and residents - many of whom are veterans – help Tucson-area unhoused veterans through Veteran Village project. Read more
Can color-tinted glasses affect your mood? Nov. 6, 2023 Studies show that wearing color-tinted lenses has the potential to influence how humans respond to emotional events. Mohab Ibrahim, MD, PhD, medical director of the UArizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center, is quoted. KOLD-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Incorporating AI in healthcare: A trust-building approach Nov. 3, 2023 Taking steps to demystify AI can make it accessible to patients and beneficial for clinicians. A UArizona Health Sciences study that found that Americans are split on whether they can trust AI in their health care. HealthData Management
The mad scientists of AI Nov. 3, 2023 Researchers at the College of Medicine – Tucson's Department of Psychiatry are using a $1.5 million grant from the United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity to develop a VR assessment system to study TBIs. Politico
More than 9 in 10 Americans say ‘no thanks’ to latest COVID-19 booster shot Nov. 3, 2023 A new study led by researchers in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, published in the journal Vaccine, identified why less than 20% of the eligible population received COVID-19 boosters in 2022. Townhall
PR society unveils IMPACT Awards winners Nov. 3, 2023 The UArizona Health Sciences Office of Communications won three IMPACT Awards for Excellence in Public Relations from the Southern Arizona chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Inside Tucson Business
New paid time off for volunteer services Nov. 3, 2023 University of Arizona Human Resources Read more
There's a lack of sports medicine research involving women. Here's why that matters Nov. 2, 2023 Research has shown that female athletes tend to suffer injuries at higher rates than male athletes, due in part to a lack of female-focused sports medicine research. KJZZ-Radio (Phoenix, AZ)