Image Aspiring Doctors to Learn their Future at Match Day Ceremony March 9, 2020 On Friday, March 20, medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson will tear open envelopes simultaneously revealing where they will go for their residency training. Surrounded by friends and family, the emotion-filled ceremony is considered the most exciting day of medical school. Read more
Mice Study Identifies Hormone That Suggests Why Women Experience More Pain Than Men March 9, 2020 Scientists from the University of Arizona College of Medicine have found that prolactin, known for promoting lactation in expectant mothers in their final months of pregnancy and after childbirth, may be the reason why some women are more vulnerable to developing pain than men. IFL Science
Image Faculty Commons + Advisory Grand Opening Event – March 4, 2020 March 6, 2020 The Faculty Commons + Advisory is a one-stop-hub for faculty to connect with support and resources from across the University of Arizona campus. Read more
¿Cuán preocupados debemos estar por el coronavirus? (How worried should we be about the coronavirus?) March 6, 2020 Dr. Cecilia Rosales, associate dean of Phoenix programs and professor at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, talks about coronavirus and what people need to know to protect themselves. Telemundo Arizona (video)
Image Native Americans and Higher Cigarette Use: Stereotype Goes Up in Smoke March 5, 2020 University of Arizona Health Sciences study finds when whites and Native Americans in comparable income and education levels are compared, whites consume more cigarettes and are more nicotine dependent. Read more
Study: Whites consume more cigarettes and are more nicotine dependent than Native Americans March 5, 2020 A new study by researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, found that when comparing white people and Native Americans with similar income and education levels, whites consume more cigarettes and are more nicotine dependent. News Medical Life Sciences
Image Welcome to Health Sciences Connect! March 4, 2020 A new digital destination for faculty, staff and students to find out what’s happening on the University of Arizona Health Sciences campuses. Read more
Image Training Students to Use Naloxone to Prevent Overdoses March 2, 2020 Local law enforcement and health care organizations train students in opioid overdose prevention and overdose reversal drugs. Read more
Pushing drug discoveries developed in Tucson to patients' bedside is focus of UA effort Feb. 29, 2020 The new Arizona Center for Drug Discovery promises to energize the drug discovery process across campus and help push innovative technologies developed in Tucson from the lab to the patient’s bedside. Arizona Daily Star
Image What Your Sweat Can Tell Doctors About Your Health Feb. 28, 2020 The collection and analysis of sweat, which contains hundreds of biomarkers, is poised to become the newest diagnostic tool in precision health care. Read more