Arizona Adjusts Approach Towards Unvaccinated Population Sept. 20, 2021 University Arizona Distinguished Professor of Public Health Dr. Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States, is interviewed about his role as Gov. Doug Ducey's senior advisor on public health emergency preparedness. KVOA-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Image CBD 101: What You Need To Know About Cannabidiol Sept. 20, 2021 Experts weigh in on THC vs. CBD Read more
Overall Survival Benefit of Pembrolizumab Regimen ‘Great News’ for Women With Recurrent Cervical Cancer Sept. 18, 2021 The addition of pembrolizumab to chemotherapy, with or without bevacizumab, significantly improved PFS and OS among women with persistent, recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer, results of the randomized phase 3 KEYNOTE-826 study showed. Bradley J. Monk, MD, FACS, FACOG, a professor at the College of Medicine – Phoenix and director of gynecologic oncology research at US Oncology Network, said KEYNOTE-826 will rapidly launch pembrolizumab as the global standard of care in first-line metastatic cervical cancer. Healio
University of Arizona Health Experts Study Transmission of COVID-19 by Vaccinated People Sept. 17, 2021 A clinical study at the University of Arizona is underway, working to understand COVID-19 infection and the transmission of the virus among vaccinated people. Elizabeth Connick, MD, chief of infectious diseases and professor of medicine and immunobiology at the College of Medicine – Tucson, said their goal is to answer the question of whether or not vaccinated people who are exposed to COVID-19 still shed the virus from their nose and mouth and infect others. KOLD-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Can the COVID-19 Vaccine Lead to Hearing Issues? Sept. 17, 2021 More than 10,000 Americans have reported tinnitus as a possible side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, and some are now questioning why the FDA and CDC are not taking a deeper look into their claims about hearing problems. "Tinnitus is a serious thing," said Elizabeth Connick, MD, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at College of Medicine – Tucson. They're not making it up, and it's very important not to have them feel marginalized." KNXV-TV (Phoenix, AZ)
Image Pain Relief Research: Clearing the Smoke Surrounding Cannabis Sept. 16, 2021 Members of the Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center are optimistic about the potential of cannabis as a viable non-opioid alternative to treat pain. Read more
Image Dr. David Garcia Finds More Than Bargains at Swap Meets Sept. 16, 2021 Dr. Garcia and the ‘Nosotros’ team at the College of Public Health have carved out a niche in Hispanic outreach in Tucson. Read more
Dr. David García Alcanza a Los Hispanos en Tucson a Través De Los Swap Meets Sept. 16, 2021 Read more
Herd Immunity May Never Be Reached in Pima County, Health Officials Say Sept. 16, 2021 Pima County has 65.3% of its population partially vaccinated and only 55% fully vaccinated. That’s one of the best in the state but is still far from what’s needed. Joe Gerald, MD, PhD, an associate professor of public health policy and management at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, has been the go to numbers guy since the beginning of the pandemic 18 months ago. “I think it’s almost certain that we will be living with Covid-19 in some form or another for years to come,” he said. “Maybe forever in all likelihood.” KOLD-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Image Study Uncovers New Link Between Long-term Arsenic Exposure and Type 2 Diabetes Sept. 15, 2021 Research led by the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy shows how chronic arsenic exposure disrupts the body’s natural antioxidant defenses, which may contribute to the development of diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Read more