Why Valley fever could eventually impact more people across the Western US Nov. 8, 2023 Valley fever, which traditionally afflicts patients in Arizona and California, has started spreading eastward. InvestigateTV
Image Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute Director to fly donations to Navajo Nation Nov. 8, 2023 Dr. Geoffrey Block will participate in the Navajo Christmas Airlift, flying donations collected in Tucson to New Mexico in time for the holidays. Read more
Image Department of Defense grant supports study of potential treatment for traumatic brain injuries Nov. 8, 2023 A new clinical trial will examine angiotensin 1-7’s ability to reduce neuropsychological impairments following traumatic brain injury. Read more
Eating fiber may be as good as Ozempic Nov. 7, 2023 The popular medications Ozempic and Wegovy cause dramatic weight loss. Both contain a compound, semaglutide, that squelches hunger by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1 that our bodies naturally make when we eat. NPR
Climate crisis and nephrology: A review of climate change’s impact on nephrology and how to combat it Nov. 7, 2023 A study co-authored by Jason P. Patel, MD, a resident in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the College of Medicine – Phoenix, examines the repercussions of climate change on nephrology and explores strategies to mitigate its impact. Physician’s Weekly
Image Nursing DNP faculty and resident veterans help homeless vets Nov. 6, 2023 Nurse Anesthesiology faculty and residents - many of whom are veterans – help Tucson-area unhoused veterans through Veteran Village project. Read more
Can color-tinted glasses affect your mood? Nov. 6, 2023 Studies show that wearing color-tinted lenses has the potential to influence how humans respond to emotional events. Mohab Ibrahim, MD, PhD, medical director of the UArizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center, is quoted. KOLD-TV (Tucson, AZ)