Video: More research needed on asthma reliever therapy in children June 26, 2023 Fernando Martinez, MD, director of the UArizona Health Sciences Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, discussed the asthma relievers available for use in children and the need for more research in this patient population during the American Thoracic Society International Conference. Healio
Image Banner Health and UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix partner to increase residency and fellowship positions June 23, 2023 The new openings will help alleviate the severe physician shortage facing Arizona by growing the number of specialty-trained physicians through the partnership by more than 60%. Read more
How often should you wash your bath towels? June 23, 2023 Experts explain how often should you wash your bath towels. Everyday Health
Study: Native Americans receive less suicide prevention care at emergency departments June 23, 2023 A new study from the University of Arizona Health Sciences found racial and ethnic differences in the suicide prevention care provided to patients with alcohol use disorder at emergency departments in the United States. KNAU-Radio (Flagstaff, AZ)
8 sleep myths that are sabotaging your rest, according to experts June 23, 2023 Research has long supported the fact that exercise can improve your sleep quality. Until recently, the prevailing wisdom cautioned against exercising close to when you turn in for the night. Not anymore. Yoga Journal
Image Revolutionizing skin cancer care through data June 22, 2023 Researchers are filling a knowledge gap by building a powerful tool to accelerate the development of diagnostic and prognostic technologies. Read more
Image People of color receive less suicide prevention care at emergency departments June 22, 2023 A study found racial and ethnic differences in the suicide prevention care provided to patients with alcohol use disorder at U.S. emergency departments. Read more