As COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Decline Among Young Adults, Experts Worry About Delta Variant June 22, 2021 New state data shows vaccination rates are at the lowest they've been since vaccines became readily available, with younger people least likely to be vaccinated. "The same thing that's happening in the country is happening in Arizona – younger people, meaning less than 30 years old, are reluctant to get the vaccine," said Dr. Ricardo Correa, an endocrinologist at the College of Medicine – Phoenix. KNXV-TV (Phoenix, AZ)
You’ll Never Guess Who’s Making Bank Selling $250 Preflight COVID Tests June 22, 2021 The pre-travel testing for vaccinated people especially can be a financial hurdle if arrival countries require it,” said Saskia Popescu, an epidemiologist and adjunct professor who teaches at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. “Ideally, we should have rapid, high-quality testing readily available to people and that includes at no or low cost.” Slate
The GERMIEST Places in the AIRPORT... Traveling Soon? Check This! June 22, 2021 Although the pandemic has led to more frequent and intensive cleaning procedures in many airports, certain germs are seemingly unavoidable in that environment. As a general rule, try to avoid crowded areas in airports to protect your health. “Germs are spread via contact with others and contaminated surfaces. The best defense is to avoid close contact with people, particularly if they exhibit illness symptoms," said Kelly Reynolds, a professor of environmental health sciences at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. KCYZ-FM (Ames, IA)
Will Schools and Day Cares Require Masks or COVID-19 Vaccines in Fall 2021? June 22, 2021 Schools cannot share with parents information about a specific teacher's vaccination status – that would violate the federal health privacy law known as HIPAA. But schools can release information about aggregate staff vaccination rates at the school, according to Education Week magazine. "Anyone can refuse to answer the question, but they should be prepared to be treated as if they are unvaccinated," said Sarah Whitley Coles, a professor at the College of Medicine – Phoenix. MSN
Image Fixing the ‘Leaky Pipeline’ to Elevate Women to Leadership June 21, 2021 Health Sciences professional women’s groups are helping to create campus cultures where female faculty can thrive at all levels. Read more
Image At College of Medicine – Tucson, Female Faculty Foster Growth June 21, 2021 Over two decades, Women in Academic Medicine has helped reshape the College of Medicine – Tucson’s professional culture. Read more
Image Pharmacy Expert Touts New Innovations in Aging Programs June 21, 2021 With 10,000 people turning 65 every day in the U.S., focusing on interprofessional practice and communication is vital in supporting healthy aging. Read more
Image At College of Medicine – Phoenix, Women Are Rising to the Top June 21, 2021 Three founding members of Women in Medicine and Science explain why their mission is critical. Read more
Dr. Weil on How to Know What is True in Alternative Medicine June 21, 2021 Dr. Andrew Weil, founder and director of the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, discusses how to find good advice in the realms of personal health and medicine. The Darya Rose Show
Melatonin For Sleep: Side Effects, Dosage And More June 21, 2021 Melatonin is commonly used as a sleep remedy, but people often misunderstand it. “Melatonin doesn’t work like a prescription sleeping pill. It’s much more nuanced. Melatonin may help someone fall asleep a bit faster and it may help them stay asleep during the niHi ght, but a lot of supplement manufacturers overpromise," said Dr. Michael Grandner, director of the Sleep and Health Research Program and associate professor at the College of Medicine – Tucson. Forbes