Genetically Engineered T Cells Could Lead to Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases Dec. 3, 2020 A new study has found that a novel T cell genetically engineered by University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers is able to target and attack pathogenic T cells that cause Type 1 diabetes, which could lead to new immunotherapy treatments. ScienceDaily
Best Lip Balms 2020 Dec. 3, 2020 If you’re leaving the house often, you should look for a lip balm with some sun protection (SPF 15 if you won’t be outside for long; SPF 30 if you’re headed to the beach). Lisa Quale, senior health educator at the Skin Cancer Institute at the University of Arizona Cancer Center reminds readers to reapply often when you’re outside because sunscreen wears off very quickly from the lips. New York Times
Holiday Fear: UA Team Calls for Shelter-In-Place Order, Mask Mandate Dec. 3, 2020 Experts from the COVID-19 modeling team at the University of Arizona are calling for a shelter-in-place order, mask mandate and emergency economic relief measures statewide as coronavirus metrics increase to alarming levels. Dr. Joe Gerald, a professor at University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, who creates weekly coronavirus epidemiology reports based on ADHS data, also called for further COVID-19 mitigation tactics as his latest report shows an alarming spread of the virus throughout the state. Tucson Weekly
SUO 2020: Maintaining the Fire: Wellbeing, Resilience, and Intentional Culture Dec. 3, 2020 Dr. Taylor Riall, a professor and surgical oncologist at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, executive leadership coach, and leader of clinical discipline and surgery oncology at the Arizona Cancer Center, talked about physician burnout in her keynote presentation at the 2020 Society of Urologic Oncology Annual Virtual Meeting. UroToday
Genetically Engineered T Cells Could Lead to Therapies for Autoimmune Diseases Dec. 3, 2020 A new study has found that a novel T cell genetically engineered by University of Arizona Health Sciences researchers is able to target and attack pathogenic T cells that cause Type 1 diabetes, which could lead to new immunotherapy treatments. News Medical
Using Tanning Beds May ‘Increase the Risk of Developing Endometriosis by 30%’ Dec. 3, 2020 A new study by the University of Arizona Health Sciences found that exposure to UVA light may also increase the chance of developing ends. Daily Star (UK)
Doctor: COVID-19 Spread Will Only Worsen Without Restrictions, Economic Support Dec. 3, 2020 Health officials are clear. The case load and death rate will only get worse before the end of the year. The Show spoke with Dr. Farshad Fani Marvasti — or Dr. Shad — the director of public health, prevention and health promotion at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix, about what needs to be done to stop the spread of coronavirus. KJZZ (NPR) Phoenix
Image New Family Medicine Residency Serves Rural Northern Arizona Dec. 2, 2020 Partnership between College of Medicine – Phoenix and North Country HealthCare brings students to Flagstaff and underserved remote areas. Read more
'Winter Formal' Scheduled at Home Raises COVID Concerns Among Parents, Doctors Dec. 2, 2020 There is concern from East Valley parents over a “winter formal” being planned at a Gilbert home this Saturday, since high school dances have been canceled at school due to COVID-19. Dr. Shad Marvasti from the University of Arizona College of Medicine said having an event like this can become a super-spreader event in an instant. Arizona's Family (3TV/CBS 5) Phoenix
Tanning Bed Use by Young Women May Up Endometriosis Risk Dec. 2, 2020 Tanning bed use in early adulthood is associated with an increased risk for endometriosis, according to a study by researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences. HealthDay News