Tips if You Travel With Kids for the Holidays During a Pandemic Nov. 25, 2020 Although the 2020 holiday season will be unlike any other we have experienced, with social distancing, safety protocols and restrictions on gatherings, millions of Americans still plan to travel throughout the holiday season. Gary Kirkilas, a clinical assistant professor of child health at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, discusses his concerns about holiday travel with kids. AZ Big Media
Promoting Health and Well-Being During the Coronavirus Pandemic Nov. 25, 2020 As European countries go into lockdown again amid a cold, dark winter, people will be spending even more time indoors. Small changes in your home can make you mentally healthier. People always reference nature when asked what their favorite visual scene is, according to Esther Sternberg, research director at the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine in Tucson, Arizona. DW (Germany)
Scottsdale Man Details Experience as Part of the Moderna Vaccine Trial Nov. 25, 2020 A Scottsdale man who was part of a COVID-19 vaccine trial describes what it was like and why people should get the vaccine. "These efficacy rates are great. They're phenomenal, actually. They're probably the best they could be," said Dr. Shad Marvasti, director of public health, prevention and health promotion with the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. Arizona's Family (3TV/CBS 5) Phoenix
Image The Story Behind a Conversation Success Nov. 24, 2020 Drs. Paloma Beamer and Kacey Ernst of the College of Public Health helped inform an anxious public about air travel during a pandemic. Read more
'Not Normal Times': Health Experts on How They Are Spending Thanksgiving Nov. 24, 2020 Top public health officials are taking their own advice about scaling down the holiday amid the COVID-19 pandemic. "My husband and I are bubbling with my parents, who live 90 miles away. We're being vigilant about quarantining for 14 days and then we’re all going to get tested in advance. We had to decide to (celebrate) with one set of in-laws, instead of both, so that was an awkward conversation. But we’ll probably celebrate Christmas with my husband’s family," said Saskia Popescu, an infectious disease epidemiologist and adjunct professor at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. The Guardian
Hand Sanitizer Demand Contributing To "Unusual" Spike in Deaths Nov. 24, 2020 According to the University of Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, seven people have died this year across Arizona from ingesting hand sanitizer. "Seven may sound small when compared to deaths from COVID-19 but seven is large when it should be zero," said Steve Dudley, director of the Center. KVOA-TV (NBC) Tucson
Why There Are Suddenly Not Enough COVID Tests Nov. 24, 2020 Experts say the rush for tests is now putting a strain on the country's already-flagging coronavirus response infrastructure. "No diagnostic test is 100%. Also, testing is one moment in time, so just because you tested negative on Wednesday doesn't mean you won't be positive on Thanksgiving," said Saskia Popescu, an infectious disease epidemiologist and adjunct professor at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. "The problem is that testing feels like this very tangible thing that you can do, and I get it, but it's only one piece." Slate
Man Shares Battle Against Pancreatic Cancer Nov. 24, 2020 Nurses Mike and Missy Skaggs share their battle against pancreatic cancer after Mike was diagnosed with the disease at 47. Dr. Rachna Shroff, associate professor of medicine and chief of GI Medical Oncology at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, explains the disease is difficult to treat because there is no preventative screening to detect pancreatic cancer. Today with Hoda & Jenna (NBC)
Image UArizona Statewide Study Building Knowledge About Health Risks Before, After COVID-19 Infection Nov. 23, 2020 Arizona CoVHORT is a multiyear study that will answer questions about risk factors for COVID-19 and how the virus impacts long-term health outcomes. Read more
How to Clean Your Coffee Maker to Make Your Brew Taste Even Better Nov. 23, 2020 The warm, moist environment of most coffee makers can be a breeding ground for germs like bacteria or mold. "We see growth from that residual moisture," said Kelly Reynolds, a University of Arizona professor of public health specializing in water quality, food safety and disease transmission. "There are a lot of little crevices in a coffee maker that stay moist for a long time." SELF