Welcome to Health Sciences Connect!
A new digital destination for faculty, staff and students to find out what’s happening on the University of Arizona Health Sciences campuses.

Welcome to Health Sciences Connect, the newest digital destination for everyone in our Health Sciences community.
The news stories, photo galleries and videos you will find here will celebrate the education, outreach and research successes happening on our Health Sciences campuses, as well as the people who make Health Sciences a great place to work, learn and discover.
This website also will be a place for updates on the progress we are making toward Health Sciences strategic goals, and to applaud our colleagues’ accomplishments and projects across our campuses.
Interact With Health Sciences Connect
Health Sciences Connect is easy to use and navigate. In addition to being able to easily view the latest Health Sciences news, photo galleries and videos, you can see awards and honors, a monthly update of grants received and messages from Senior Vice President Michael D. Dake, MD.
You also have the opportunity to help shape the Health Sciences Connect experience. You can “like” our stories and share them via email and social media. You can also send us comments and suggest ideas to help us tell more stories about our community.
Changes Coming to Your Inbox
One of the driving forces behind Health Sciences Connect is to create a more effective and efficient way of communicating Health Sciences news and information. In phase two of this exciting transformation, Health Sciences faculty and staff will begin receiving a weekly email newsletter called Inside Health Sciences.

Inside Health Sciences is the new Friday newsletter, launching in late March with stories, photo galleries, videos and more.
This newsletter, debuting March 27, will celebrate our campus life and culture, and feature inspiring stories from Health Sciences Connect about our faculty, staff and students. It will showcase awards and honors bestowed upon our colleagues. You’ll also get a sampling of our social media activity and see how the media are reporting our Health Sciences successes.
Stay Tuned For More
Later this spring, we’ll consolidate and replace the daily Health Sciences email updates.
The announcements and Grand Rounds that are currently distributed via a daily Health Sciences email update will transition to a permanent new home on this site. We’ll also have a searchable calendar that spotlights the events happening in Tucson and in Phoenix.
Following the addition of the calendar and announcements on Health Sciences Connect, we will debut our second weekly email newsletter, Health Sciences Update. Each week we will share what’s new across the Health Sciences campuses. It will offer a curated list of campus-wide events, announcements, Grand Rounds and more.
Join Us
We’re pleased to share this significant step to help the Health Sciences community stay connected and informed about life on our campuses. We invite you to take a look, click around and get comfortable.
Bookmark this page, or set it as your homepage so you can check it as often as you like.
We hope to hear from you! Let us know what you think, and help us tell our story. Email us at healthsciencesconnect@email.arizona.edu.