A First Look at COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution at UArizona

A bird’s eye view of the COVID 19 vaccine point of distribution on the University of Arizona’s mall. The county-run site is drive-through only. Another walk-up site also is available on campus.
The University of Arizona is operating a COVID-19 vaccine distribution site for Pima County. In January 2021, the site began providing vaccines to those in the Phase 1B priority group, distributing hundreds of vaccinations each day.
Vaccinations are offered at two locations on campus: a drive-through site on the University of Arizona Mall, plus a walk-through clinic in Room 129 of the Ina E. Gittings Building, 1737 E. University Blvd. A map is available on the university's COVID-19 vaccination information webpage. Appointments are required for both locations.
UArizona President Robert C. Robbins, MD, stressed that the county – not the university – is responsible for scheduling vaccination appointments. Information on how to register is available on the Pima County Health Department website.
“We have communicated to the university community that Pima County has developed an algorithm for allocation of these vaccines, and the county will ensure that this process is done in a fair and equitable manner,” he said. “Fewer than one-third of the doses coming to the university POD will be allocated to our faculty and staff.”
Pima County remains in priority Phase 1B of its vaccine distribution plan, which includes people 75 and older, childcare providers, K-12 and higher education employees, and those working in protective service occupations, including law enforcement, corrections, firefighters and other emergency response staff.