Opening the Health Sciences Innovation Building With a Native American Blessing Ceremony - Nov. 1, 2019

The University of Arizona Health Sciences honored the tribes of Arizona with a blessing of the newly constructed Health Sciences Innovation Building on Nov. 1, 2019,
The University of Arizona Health Sciences honored the tribes of Arizona with a blessing of the newly constructed Health Sciences Innovation Building on Nov. 1, 2019, in observance of the University of Arizona’s founding on the traditional homelands of the Tohono O’odham and Pascua Yaqui people. As is customary in Native culture, it is important to acknowledge and pay respects to tribal lands that the university occupies. The Native American blessing of the Health Sciences Innovation Building not only honors the past, but also lays the foundation for future projects that ultimately will benefit the university that we call home.
The Native American blessing was conducted by Tim Antone, a spiritual leader of the Tohono O’odham Nation, on the patio at the south side of the building. Remarks were delivered by tribal leadership and Health Sciences students and leadership. The event was coordinated by the Association of Native American Medical Students, with support from the UArizona Health Sciences and the UArizona Office of Tribal Relations.