Sonora Quest Labs

Research Administration Clinical Trials & Contracting

Sonora Quest Labs

Monthly Invoicing

  • Clinical Trial Finance receives monthly invoices from Sonora Quest Laboratories for all UA research SQL accounts. Prior to distributing the invoices to the respective departments, the rates are verified for accuracy against a previously provided fee schedule. 
  • The study coordinator is responsible for reviewing the invoices and submitting their findings to the appropriate contact within 30 days of receipt. Any discrepancies must be reported to Clinical Trial Finance, and accurate charges should be forwarded to the department’s business office for payment processing.

  • SQL billing invoices for Research Services are received by Research Administration for review
  • Research Administration uploads the invoices to a department specific UA Box Health. A
    notification email is sent out to the Study Coordinator and Departmental Business Office
    contacts when charges are ready for review.
    • The Study Coordinator is responsible for reviewing the charge invoice to verify the
      encounter labs occurred.
    • The Study Coordinator identifies charge discrepancies and emails Research
      Administration providing an explanation (i.e., patient off study, incorrect labs charged)
      for resolution.
    • The Study Coordinator forwards the PDF invoice to their Business Office for payment
      processing. If there is a charge discrepancy, the invoice should be paid minus the charge
      discrepancy as reported above.
    • The Departmental Business Office is responsible for rendering a payment for research
      labs within 30 days of the initial receipt of the invoice from Research Administration.
  • Research Administration receives a monthly SQL outstanding balance report to track and clear
    any discrepancies between SQL and Research Administration.
  • Research accounts are monitored by Research Administration for monthly payments. The
    Dean’s Office is notified when a department’s account(s) have fallen past due.

New Sonora Quest Account

  • As of January 2025, each department is assigned a single Sonora Quest account, regardless of the study's funding or the number of trials within the department.
  • Contact Clinical Trial Finance to confirm whether a Sonora Quest account already exists for your department.
  • Clinical Trial Finance will assist with the creation of a new account if necessary.
  • Refer to the SQL Test directory below to ensure that SQL provides the tests required for the study.
  • The laboratory test information provided on is for informational purposes only and is subject to change.
  • Please contact our Client Services Department at (602) 685-5050 to confirm any of the information provided.

Quanum Portal

  • The Quanum Portal is Sonora Quest Laboratories' lab management system, designed to fulfill all lab-related needs.
  • This platform is utilized by UA study coordinators to order tests and supplies, access results, schedule specimen pickups, and perform other related tasks.

  • Please contact with the following information to request a Quanum portal account. 
    • Name:
    • Title:
    • NetID:
    • Email:
    • Phone:
    • Address:
    • Department:
    • SQL Account Number:
  • The laboratory test information provided on is for informational purposes only and is subject to change.
  • Please contact our Client Services Department at (602) 685-5050 to confirm any of the information provided.


SQL Training - Contact the Customer Systems Team to schedule training at (602) 685-5465 or by email at

Sonora Quest Labs Corporate Office: 602-685-5000 | 1-800-766-6721