Sonora Quest Labs

Research Administration Clinical Trials & Contracting

Sonora Quest Labs

Monthly Invoicing

  • Research Administration receives Sonora Quest Laboratory invoices monthly and verifies pricing before distributing to departments. The departments are to review the invoices, notify of discrepancies, and pay accordingly. The document below provides the full review and payment process.

Monthly Invoicing

New Sonora Quest Account

  • Departments are assigned individual Sonora Quest accounts based on funding whether industry or federal.
  • Each department can have up to two SQL research accounts. One industry and one non-industry (federal, internal, etc.) rate based accounts.
  • Research teams must use the correct SQL account based on the studies funding to ensure their research study is billed correctly.
  • Please contact if the department is unsure if a Sonora Quest account is already created. We will notify the department if there is an account or help with getting an account set up.

Quanum Portal

  • The Quanum Portal is used by coordinators to order, manage, and pay for patient labs.
  • Users should have access to all the Sonora Quest Accounts they are managing.
  • Please contact with the following information to request a quanum portal account.
    • Name:
    • Title:
    • NetID:
    • Email:
    • Phone:
    • Address:
    • Department:
    • SQL Account Number:

New Sonora Quest Laboratories or Quanum portal account details, click here.


  • SQL Training - Contact the Customer Systems Team to schedule training at (602) 685-5465 or
  • The laboratory test information provided on is for informational purposes only and is subject to change.
  • Please contact our Client Services Department at (602) 685-5050 to confirm any of the information provided.

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