Memory Matters: Alzheimer’s and the Brain
Research shows that more than 5 million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Alzheimer’s awareness, research studies, and learning more about brain health are all essential to our collective well-being.
Alzheimer’s is a disease that attacks the brain. It is defined by progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the most common form of dementia. Because it is a progressive disease, symptoms gradually worsen over the years. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but late-stage Alzheimer’s can affect an individual’s ability to communicate and respond to his or her environment. Dr. Ole Thienhaus, professor of psychiatry and chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, discusses the impact of living with Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of focusing on quality of life for both the patient and their caregiver.
Why did you choose to study psychiatry and focus on Alzheimer’s?
Why does Alzheimer’s Awareness Month matter?
A dedicated month can increase awareness of a problem. Information on Alzheimer’s and other dementias is greater now than it was in the past, but misconceptions still abound – especially the impact of the family and the options for getting support. With an expected dramatic increase of dementia patients in the near future, families and other caregivers need to appreciate the various options between fully independent living and skilled nursing care settings.
What do you wish society knew about when it comes to the Alzheimer’s diagnosis?
How has your work with Alzheimer’s patients and family members impacted your life?
I have gained tremendous respect for patients and caregivers who have managed to cope with this progressive condition without losing hope and without giving up on each other.
Where do you see Alzheimer’s research going in the next 10 years?
We all hope very much that there will be more effective treatment so that, at a minimum, the progression can be halted. I expect there will be progress in that direction, although I do not expect a “cure for Alzheimer’s” to be discovered.
Don’t despair: AD is an inexorably progressive and ultimately fatal condition, but it progresses slowly in most cases and there will be many enjoyable days ahead. Make plans in advance for the future, especially in terms of a living will and any other aspect of life the early AD patient would like to set right while they still are able to make decisions.
For more information on Alzheimer’s Awareness Month visit:
About the Author
Ole J. Thienhaus, MD, MBA, FACPsych, is the chair and professor of the University of Arizona Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Thienhaus came to Arizona from Las Vegas, Nev. His areas of professional interest are health-care economics, geriatric psychiatry and correctional psychiatry. Since his arrival in Tucson, he has been challenged to help the Department of Psychiatry transition into the increasingly competitive Southern Arizona health-care market by fostering the growth of integrated-care models while trying to maintain the academic focus on educational excellence and growth of the research enterprise.