Policies and Procedures

Research Administration Regulatory

Policies and Procedures

The UAHS RA Regulatory team has developed several policy and standard operating procedure (SOP) documents that are available for use by UAHS research teams. These documents may be shared with sponsors and research collaborators as documentation of UAHS or departmental research policies.

Policies and SOP applicable to all UAHS researchers. Departments or research teams may be able to adopt stricter policies but should at a minimum follow the policies as outlined in these documents.

Policies and SOPs followed by the UAHS RA Regulatory team. They are optional for use by other regulatory coordinators.

Template policies and SOPs that study teams may choose to adopt.

These templates serves as a guide for the collection of pertinent site information in the early stages of study start up. This information can help in the assessment of research team, site capabilities, facilities, and overall preparedness for successful execution of study specific protocol requirements. Known information is pre-filled to assist the site in completion. Template sections that are not relevant can be eliminated or updated to reflect study specific requirements.