Health Sciences Grants

Health Sciences Research Awards and Grants

* Award dollars are not included in the clinical trials, as funds are earned based upon completion of study milestones and enrollment.

Title Type $ Amount Activity Investigator Unit Sponsor Date
Diabetes & National Cardiovascular Programs Cooperative Agreement 365,000.00 Research John Ehiri Health Promotion Sciences Arizona Department of Health Services 01/2024
Evaluating Centralizing Interventions to Address Low Adherence to Lung Cancer Screening Follow-Up in Decentralized Settings Grant 166,223.00 Research Gloria Coronado Epidemiology and Biostatistics Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 01/2024
Evaluation Services for the Health in Arizona Policy Initiative (HAPI) Program Contract 19,483.00 Other Sponsored Activity Kathryn Ortiz y Pino Health Promotion Sciences Arizona Department of Health Services 01/2024
Expanding Localized Air Quality Monitoring at Pima County Schools to Address Environmental Justice Grant 230,335.00 Other Sponsored Activity Chris Chaeha Lim Community Environment & Policy Pima County Department of Environmental Quality 01/2024
Ignite-Engage-Sustain: A Comprehensive Approach to Motivate, Involve, Educate, and Mentor Native American Students and Their Communities in Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Research Grant 21,937.00 Research Training Karen Hastings COM Phx Basic Medical Sci University of Nebraska 01/2024
Inflammatory Bowel Disease West Case Conference Grant 20,000.00 Instruction Sasha Taleban Medicine Lilly USA, LLC 01/2024
Inhibiting Scar Formation and Promoting Skin Regeneration Using a Topical FAKI Grant 100,000.00 Research Geoffrey Gurtner Surgery Flinn Foundation 01/2024
Joint Modeling of Continuous and Binary Data in Meta-Analysis Grant 44,825.00 Research Lifeng Lin Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Institute of Mental Health 01/2024
Lung Cancer, DNA Methylation, and Liquid Biopsy Contract 68,581.00 Research Billie Bixby Medicine Precision Epigenomics 01/2024
Pilot Study on Club Cell Secretory Protein (CC16) in the ALA Lung Health Cohort Grant 95,000.00 Research Stefano Guerra Asthma/Airway Disease Rsch Ctr American Lung Association 01/2024
Project Title Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) West Case Conference Grant 5,000.00 Instruction Sasha Taleban Medicine Pfizer, Incorporated 01/2024
Protocol Title: A Phase II, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Multiple Doses of LT3001 Drug Product in Subjects with Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) Contract * Clinical Trial Firas Kaddouh Neurology Syneos Health 01/2024
RECOVER-SLEEP: A Platform Protocol for Evaluation of Interventions for Sleep Disturbances in Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC) Contract * Clinical Trial Sairam Parthasarathy Medicine Duke University 01/2024
SAVAHCS IPA for Emma Louis Contract 54,664.90 Research Mohab Ibrahim Anesthesiology United States Department of Veterans Affairs 01/2024
Study to Evaluate Safety, Efficacy and Tolerability of ABBV-950 for the Treatment of Upper Limb Spasticity in Adult Post-Stroke Patients Contract * Clinical Trial Scott Sherman Neurology AbbVie Incorporated 01/2024
Translational Approaches to Health Disparities in Lung, Sleep, and Pandemics Grant 1,709,416.00 Research Training Sairam Parthasarathy Medicine National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 01/2024
Tucson Indian Center 2024 Cultural Assessment Contract 100,000.00 Other Sponsored Activity Nicole Yuan Health Promotion Sciences Tucson Indian Center 01/2024
Verification of the Formulation of Rejuvesol: Assessment of Composition, Sterility and Particle-Free Packaging Contract 62,771.00 Research Vance Nielsen Anesthesiology Vitasang Corporation 01/2024
A Phase 2/3 Randomized, Controlled Study of CTX-009 in Combination with Paclitaxel versus Paclitaxel Alone in Adult Patients with Unresectable Advanced, Metastatic or Recurrent Biliary Tract Cancers Contract * Clinical Trial Rachna Shroff Cancer Center Division Compass Therapeutics 12/2023
A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind, Parallel-group, Placebo-controlled Study to Demonstrate the Efficacy and Safety of Milvexian, an Oral Factor Xla Inhibitor, for Stroke Prevention After an Acute Is Contract * Clinical Trial Firas Kaddouh Neurology IQVIA RDS Inc. 12/2023

* Award dollars are not included in the clinical trials, as funds are earned based upon completion of study milestones and enrollment.