The training videos and step-by-step instructions below go over the new process for submitting events, Grand Rounds and announcements to the Health Sciences calendar and announcement list.
You will need permission to submit content. If you are a first-time content creator, please email us at with your name, UArizona Net ID, preferred email address and department name.
Please review these resources carefully before submitting your content.
Before you begin creating your calendar submission, login using your UArizona NetID here:
Once you are logged in, navigate to Shortcuts at the top of your screen, then Add Content. If you are creating an event or Grand Rounds, select Event. If you are creating an announcement, select News.
If your event content exists on your unit’s website or in Trellis, you only need to enter the following:
- Do not use quotation marks in your title.
- Use title case for official names for lectures series, award events, conferences/ symposiums, organizations, etc. E.g., CAMI Cancer Symposium, Southwest Regional Trauma Conference, Innovations in Healthy Aging Lecture Series, etc.
- Use sentence case for lecture titles and all else. E.g., Red Cross blood drive; A balancing act: Staying upright as we age; COVID-19: History, vaccines, boosters, variants and endemicity; Using telehealth to treat PANS/PANDAS: Health and behavioral considerations; etc.
- If you are creating a Grand Rounds entry, select Grand Rounds from this drop-down list to tag it. If you are creating a Biological and Biomedical Seminar, use that tag. You can also tag the college where your event or Grand Rounds belongs. For example, if you are creating an event for the Department of Psychiatry, you can tag the category as College of Medicine – Tucson.
- Use the calendar and clock to set the date and time of your event/Grand Rounds. The time is on a 12-hour clock.
Link to external event
- In the Summary Fields to the right, go to the Link to External Event box and add your event’s landing page or registration link such as a Trellis link.
- Enter the affiliation for your event or Grand Rounds. This means the originating entity for the event.
- E.g., College of Medicine – Tucson, College of Medicine – Phoenix, College of Nursing, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Innovations in Healthy Aging, Life & Work Connections, University of Arizona Libraries, etc. You can be as specific as the department or division it is affiliated with, such as the College of Medicine – Tucson Department of Immunobiology. For events, please include the college first if you are referring to a department or division.
- If this is a Grand Rounds, please indicate the department. E.g., Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds; Department of Medicine: Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds, etc. No need to put the college at the beginning here.
If you wish to enter your complete event within the calendar, start here:
- Do not use quotation marks in your title.
- Use title case for official names for lectures series, award events, conferences/ symposiums, organizations, etc. E.g., CAMI Cancer Symposium, Southwest Regional Trauma Conference, Innovations in Healthy Aging Lecture Series, etc.
- Use sentence case for lecture titles and all else. E.g., Red Cross blood drive; A balancing act: Staying upright as we age; COVID-19: History, vaccines, boosters, variants and endemicity; Using telehealth to treat PANS/PANDAS: Health and behavioral considerations; etc.
- Enter the affiliation for your event or Grand Rounds. This means the originating entity for the event.
- E.g., College of Medicine – Tucson, College of Medicine – Phoenix, College of Nursing, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Innovations in Healthy Aging, Life & Work Connections, University of Arizona Libraries, etc. You can be as specific as the department or division it is affiliated with, such as the College of Medicine – Tucson Department of Immunobiology. For events, please include the college first if you are referring to a department or division.
- If this is a Grand Rounds, please indicate the department. E.g., Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds; Department of Medicine: Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds, etc. No need to put the college at the beginning here.
Summary fields
- To the right of the screen, click on Summary Fields and scroll down to the Summary box. Copy and paste the same Subtitle into this box.
- If you are creating a Grand Rounds entry, select Grand Rounds from this drop-down list to tag it. If you are creating a Biological and Biomedical Seminar, use that tag. You can also tag the college where your event or Grand Rounds belongs. For example, if you are creating an event for the Department of Psychiatry, you can tag the category as College of Medicine – Tucson.
- Use the calendar and clock to set the date and time of your event/Grand Rounds. The time is on a 12-hour clock.
Event photos
- Uploading your event’s marketing approved graphic/image is optional. The “hero” size image (JPG or PNG) must be horizontal and a minimum of 1200 pixels wide. The taller the image is, the further down the page your copy information goes. Please do not upload a logo by itself. If you are unsure whether your graphic/image will be approved, please send us an email at with your graphic/image and we will let you know if it meets our requirements.
- Click on Add media. Under Add Files, select Choose Files. Navigate to the folder where your photo or graphic is saved, click on it and select Open.
- You will need to add in alt text for your image. Alt text describes the image, helps visually impaired people understand what the image shows and helps search engine bots understand image contents.
- Do not add a caption.
- Click Save.
- Select your photo from the photo library grid and click the blue Insert Selected button.
- Once you save your draft, you’ll be able to see how the graphic looks with all the other information you added in.
Several pieces of information go in the event description box.
- Enter the event or Grand Rounds location to begin. This information is mandatory. Type “Where” and select Text Size H3 from the Styles dropdown menu. Below this line, input your event/Grand Rounds’ location information. If your event is in person, bold the building name and room number. Enter the street address but do not bold it.
- If your event is virtual or has a streaming link, type in “Join virtually”, highlight the text and add the hyperlink by selecting the link/chain icon and adding your event/Grand Rounds’ Zoom, YouTube or other streaming URL, click Save. With the text still highlighted, select Button Red from the Styles menu. This is the process to add any kind of button anywhere in the event description.
Event description, CME information and learning objectives
- Type “Event Description,” “CME Information” and/or “Learning Objectives,” highlight it and select Text Size H3 from the styles dropdown menu. Add the pertinent information here, such as the event's purpose, intended audience and important takeaways. Also include accessibility information as well as details about breakfast, lunch, reception or networking sessions, if applicable.
Presenter details
- To add a speaker bio, type “Presenter Details,” highlight it and select Text Size H3 from the styles dropdown menu.
- Be sure to include the speaker’s full name and credentials (E.g., PhD, MD, PharmD, etc.), title (E.g., Professor, Medicine; Associate Director, Information Technology; etc.) and affiliation/organization including speakers from other universities or colleges (E.g., University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix; University of California Santa Cruz, etc.).
- Add a short speaker bio if you have one. If the speaker has a longer bio on their affiliation’s website, you can add a hyperlink to their name redirecting to that page. Presenter portraits cannot be added at this time.
- PDF flyers, posters and other attachments related to your event can be added in the attachments box. Multiple files are allowed. Once added, you can give the file a different name by filling out the description box. The default name will be the file’s original name.
- Include the name and contact details for the event organizer (this may be different than the person creating the submission).
- You may add multiple contact people.
Save and submit
- At the bottom of the screen, select Draft from the dropdown menu and click the Save button.
- On the next screen, you will be able to preview your calendar entry. If you want to make changes, select Edit from the tab. If you are ready to submit for review, change the moderation state to Review and click Apply.
- This moves your submission on to our team for review and publishing.
If your event or Grand Rounds is already published to the calendar, but it is cancelled, please email us at Please provide the following information:
- Published URL
- Title
- Originally scheduled date
- If there are plans to reschedule the event or if it is cancelled indefinitely
We will update the posting by marking the event as cancelled. Please note, we do not typically remove cancelled events from the calendar in case potential attendees already put them into their calendar.
After logging in, navigate to shortcuts, Add Content and select News, you can begin creating an announcement here.
- Use sentence case except for official names such as the name of a college, departments and divisions, programs and organizations.
- Keep titles to a maximum of 65 characters.
- Do not use quotation marks around your entire title, but you can use them where appropriate.
Date of publication
- This is the date you are entering the announcement or you can post-date it to the date you want it published. Please email us at if you want the announcement held until a specific date and be sure to include a link to your saved draft announcement.
- Leave this blank.
- This will be the affiliation for the announcement, meaning who or where it is coming from such as the college, department, division, center or organization.
- E.g., University of Arizona Health Sciences, College of Medicine – Tucson, College of Medicine – Phoenix, College of Nursing, R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, Innovations in Healthy Aging, Life & Work Connections, Center for Rural Health, University of Arizona Libraries, etc.
- Announcements for both a Health Sciences audience and university-wide audience are welcome such as Life and Work Connections, University of Arizona Libraries, RII, UArizona Parking and Transportation Services, etc.
Summary fields
- To the right of the screen, click on Summary Fields and scroll down to the Summary box. Copy and paste the same Subheading into this box.
- Leave this blank. Adding photos to your announcement is not available at this time.
Article body
- Enter announcement copy here. If you copy and paste your text from a Word document or other webpage, please check the formatting and that all links work.
- Adding a hyperlink: Highlight the text you want hyperlinked and select the link/chain icon. Paste the URL in the box and click Save.
- Adding a button: First, create a hyperlink following the steps above. With the text still highlighted, select Styles and Button Red from the dropdown menu. Please only put buttons at the end of your announcement.
News tags
- Type in or search the dropdown menu for “Announcement” and select it.
- Please do not select any other tags.
- Include a contact person for this announcement (this may be different than the person creating the submission).
- You may add multiple contact people.
Save and submit
- At the bottom of the screen, select Draft from the dropdown menu and click the Save button.
- On the next screen, you will be able to preview your announcement. If you want to make changes, select Edit from the tab. If you are ready to submit for review, change the moderation state to Review and click Apply.
- This moves your submission on to our team for review and publishing.