Social Media Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to help employees of the Health Sciences and our colleges, departments, centers, and other units be strategic and successful on social media. This includes being aware of the rules and strategy that govern social media use at UAHS and the resources that exist to help you.
This page is a work in progress, and tools will be added as they are completed. If you have a question about this toolkit or social media use, please contact, Lesley Merrifield.
If you are interested in participating in social media on behalf of your unit (e.g. creating a Facebook page for your center, tweeting to connect with prospective students), fill out this brief consultation form to initiate the process.
Resources for UA Health Sciences Official Social Media Activity
- UAHS Guidelines for Official Social Media Use
- Request a Social Media Consultation
- New Account Approval Form
- UAHS Social Media Leads
- User Participation Guidelines & Disclaimers (aka Commenting Guidelines)
- Register Your Unit's Social Media Accounts (requires NetID to log in)
- Review or Update Info about Accounts and Managers You Have Registered (requires NetID to log in)
- Applying the UArizona Brand (logo, colors, photography and more)
- Adobe Creative Cloud (free to UArizona faculty, students and staff)
- Post an event to be shared on any of the UArizona main social channels
- UA Social Media Guidelines for Employees (UA Human Resources)
- Social Media Guidelines for Individuals at College of Medicine - Tucson
- Professionalism in the Use of Social Media (American Medical Association Policy)
- Social Media and Physicians’ Online Identity Crisis (JAMA)
- Promoting UA Clinical Trials on Social Media
- Respecting Copyright - Tips for Social Media Managers
- Privacy and Social Media (UA HIPAA Privacy Office)
- How to Respond to Positive/Negative Feedback
- Measuring Success on Social Media: Metrics
- Facebook Help Center
- Facebook Pages Basics
- Facebook Groups Basics
- Organic Reach on Facebook
- How NOT to post on Facebook
- Tips for Posting High Quality Content
- Facebook Advertising Features
- How to turn captions on for videos on Facebook
- Instagram Help Center
- Instagram Sharing Photos and Videos
- Instagram Creator Tools
- How to use hashtags on Instagram
- Conflict of Interest Guidelines
- Best Practices for Editors with Close Associations
- Wikipedia: Notable person survival kit
- Wikipedia:Citing sources
- Social Media in Health Science Education: An International Survey
- Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project
- Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
IMAGE RESOURCES (Creative Commons & Public Domain - terms vary; read the fine print)
- CDC's Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
- MorgueFile
- Pixabay
- Pexels
- Pixnio (Medical and Science related images)
- Flickr Advanced Search (select Creative Commons at the bottom of the search page)
- NASA Image and Video Library
- 7 Fantastic Resources for Free Images
- 8 of the Best Stock Photo Sites
- 20 Places to Get Free Stock Photos
- 4 Photography Tips for Social Media
- (free pro version is available with proof of higher education affiliation)
- Canva (create quality designs)
- Piktochart (create simple infographics)
- (create embeddable infographics)
- The Healthcare Hashtag Project (Symplur)