Image ‘Arizona Palooza’ Returns with Mental Health Education and Family Entertainment April 20, 2022 Arizona Palooza brings together resources from across Tucson and Pima County to deliver useful information about mental health in a fun, informal setting. Read more
Cannabis Awareness, Pain Management & Multiple Sclerosis April 20, 2022 The opioid problem is world known: too many easy-to-acquire drugs that can cause addiction and death. And do they really take the pain away? One option gaining steam in research and use is cannabis, specifically the CBD derived from a cannabis plant.
How Age Affects Risk for COVID-19-Related Hospitalizations and Adverse Outcomes in People With Type 1 Diabetes April 20, 2022 Ricardo Correa, MD, director of the Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Fellowship Program at the College of Medicine – Phoenix, co-authors an article discussing a recent study highlighting age and comorbidities as independent risk factors for severe COVID-19 infection among people of different ages with type 1 diabetes. MedPage Today
PD-L1 Test Debated in Gastroesophageal Cancer Immunotherapy April 19, 2022 Clinicians are struggling to make sense of conflicting regulations from the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency on whether measuring programmed death–ligand 1 (PD-L1) is essential before prescribing checkpoint inhibitors for gastroesophageal cancer. MDedge Hematology and Oncology
MRIs Are Finding Connections Between Brain Activity and Psychology April 19, 2022 Researchers are increasingly using magnetic resonance imaging to find links between what is seen on an MRI, like cortical thickness or patterns of connection and complicated psychological traits, like cognitive ability or mental-health conditions. The New York Times
Dr. Victoria Mary Stevens to join Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame April 19, 2022 The Arizona Women’s Hall of Fame honors and pays tribute to orthopedic surgeon Victoria Mary Stevens, MD, the first Native American woman in the state of Arizona to receive the doctor of medicine degree from the College of Medicine – Tucson, in 1976. Arizona Silver Belt
Medical Experts Advise Public to Keep Masking on Public Transit After Federal Judge Lifts National Mandate April 19, 2022 Some experts are advising travelers to continue donning face coverings after a federal judge in Florida voided the national mask mandate for airplanes and public transit. The Boston Globe
University of Arizona Health Science’s Project FUTRE Aims to Help Families Struggling With Substance Abuse April 19, 2022 Project FUTRE, developed by researchers at the UArizona Health Sciences Comprehensive Pain and Addiction Center, aims to support children and families impacted by substance use disorders. KGUN-TV (Tucson, AZ)
Nightmare or Happiness: 10 Things That Affect Your Dreams April 19, 2022 Rubin Naiman, PhD, a clinical assistant professor of medicine and dream expert at the UArizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, explains why things that happen in your waking life can influence dreams. BuzzFeed Deutschland