Should You Fly Yet? Here's What an Epidemiologist and an Exposure Scientist Say June 1, 2020 Kacey Ernst and Paloma Beamer, researchers from the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, write about what people should consider and how to minimize risk when flying. CNN
University Of Arizona Begins Statewide Antibody Testing Program For COVID-19 June 1, 2020 The University of Arizona and state of Arizona antibody testing initiative will include 31 sites across the state as it expands to all 15 counties. Dr. Janko Nikolich-Žugich, professor and head of the Department of Immunobiology at the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson says the testing will show how widespread the disease is, and how many people contracted it without showing any symptoms. KNAU-FM (NPR) Flagstaff
Image Drug Discovery to Consultations: Pharmacists in a Pandemic May 29, 2020 From a research laboratory to a hospital bedside to the neighborhood pharmacy, this profession touches all of health care in a pandemic. Read more
College Students Ask University Presidents: ‘Will We Be Safe?’ May 29, 2020 University of Arizona President Dr. Robert C. Robbins took part in a roundtable discussion with Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick, president of Howard University, where college students asked about what steps are necessary for universities as they try to keep students and staff safe during a global pandemic. Meet the Press
Image UArizona Telemedicine Program Receives Key Federal Funds to Help Communities Combat COVID-19 May 28, 2020 The Arizona Telemedicine Program at the University of Arizona Health Sciences has been awarded $828,000 in federal funds to help communities expand telehealth programs during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Read more
Image Dr. Nancy Sweitzer to Co-Direct UArizona Health Sciences Clinical Translational Sciences Graduate Program May 28, 2020 The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center director will co-lead the innovative program with Dr. Ronald Hammer to match students with faculty mentors to train in research design and methodology, biostatistics and responsible conduct of research relevant to human health and disease. Read more
Dr. Nancy Sweitzer Named Co-Director of Clinical Translational Sciences Graduate Program May 28, 2020 Read more
UA Researcher Identifies 4 Compounds that can Halt Coronavirus in Cells May 28, 2020 As the spread of COVID-19 affects people around the world, scientists have been working overtime to develop potential treatments. Among them is a Jun Wang, Ph.D., an assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Arizona who recently identified four compounds that can block the replication of the virus within a cell, providing a promising starting point for the development of drugs that can treat the disease. Arizona Daily Star
Thumbnail What Is Design Thinking? May 27, 2020 In the fall, students will be able to dive headfirst into design thinking, a creative process for solving real-world problems. Read more
Image A Reading List for Mental Health Awareness Month May 27, 2020 The National Library of Medicine recommends adding these titles to your reading list during Mental Health Awareness Month this May. Read more