
Research Administration OnCore


OnCore Support Consultations

Please visit our Microsoft Bookings page if you would like to schedule an individual consultation about calendar validations, subject entry, regulatory coordination, technical troubleshooting, or other OnCore processes.

UAHS OnCore Resource Documents

Workflow Steps: Protocol Submission to Subject Visit Check-In

Introduction to OnCore and Calendar Validations

Onsemble Community

The Onsemble Community is a virtual learning and peer-education center where you can ask questions, discuss best practices, share tips and tricks or discuss topics related to research technology with fellow community members.

Advarra University

Please note that the Advarra University (formerly Forte Academy) link requires a separate login from OnCore.  To obtain an account for Advarra University, please submit a ticket to TicketCat and they will create an account for you. You must be an active OnCore user in order to submit a ticket to TicketCat.  To browse courses, click on the Dashboard menu and go to the Store, where you can filter by OnCore courses. Specific courses we recommend are listed below.  Before accessing the links and resources below, please be sure that you are logged into Advarra University.

OnCore 100: What Is Blended Learning?

  • Finding time to cover everything needed in a classroom session is challenging. In this session, Tim Spinler, Sr. eLearning Developer from Advarra, discusses how to use eLearning before, during and after class, giving learners what they need, when they need it.

OnCore 105: Protocols: Basics eLearning

  • One of the first steps to being successful with OnCore is to effectively build your protocols. In this module, the Advarra Training Team reviews the basic steps and functionality to build your protocols in OnCore.

OnCore 110: Protocols: Advanced eLearning

  • This eLearning builds on the lessons in the Protocols: Basics eLearning webinar and reviews additional features to help you manage your protocols in OnCore.

OnCore 115: Document a Basic IRB Review Videos

  • In this video course, learn more about how to document an IRB review in OnCore, including consent details, documents, and affiliate information.​

OnCore 200: Introduction to Managing Subjects eLearning

  • This is the first module in the curriculum for Study Coordinators to learn about OnCore. Learners should be familiar with navigation in OnCore.

OnCore 210: View and Manage Participants in the CRA Console eLearning

  • This module covers workflows to view and manage participants using the CRA Console. Learners should complete OnCore 200 before taking this course.

OnCore 220: Subject Console and Companion Protocols eLearning

  • This lesson will cover subject demographics and enrolling subjects in companion protocols. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the Study Coordinator series.

​OnCore 223: Subject Visit Tracking and Form Data Entry Recorded Webinar

  • In this recorded webinar, learn more about OnCore functionality to track the visits and procedures included in a subject's calendar. You will also learn about how to document in forms to capture data from the visits. 

OnCore 230: Subject Registration eLearning

  • This lesson will explore how to register a subject to a study in OnCore. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the Study Coordinator series.

OnCore 240: Consent and Eligibility eLearning

  • This lesson will teach learners about documenting consent and eligibility in the Subject Console. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the Study Coordinator series.

OnCore 250: On Study eLearning

  • This module covers the On Study tab of the Subject Console. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the OnCore Study Coordinator series.

OnCore 260: Subject Calendars eLearning

  • This lesson will teach learners about subject calendars in OnCore. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the Study Coordinator series.

OnCore 270: Other Subject Visit Tools eLearning

  • This lesson will teach learners about My Console and the Subject Visit Details report, two important tools to help manage subject visits. Learners should complete the preceding courses in the Study Coordinator series.

OnCore 400: Financials: Basics eLearning

  • Would you like to learn more about working with financials in OnCore? In this course, get an introduction to the basics of working with financials in OnCore, including working with the Charge Master, Budgets, Milestones, Invoices, and more.

OnCore 410: Financials: Advanced eLearning

  • In this module, learn more about the concepts and workflows behind the financial tasks that are performed in OnCore.

OnCore 415: Overview of Financials Video

  • What are "research-related financials"? What is financials functionality in OnCore? This 12-minute video covers the financials "big picture," from sponsor invoicing, budgeting, coverage analysis, and hospital billing to how OnCore helps to support these important workflows.

OnCore 440: Ways to Invoice Sponsors Recorded Webinar

  • In the Financials: Basics webinar you learned how OnCore can help you create and manage sponsor invoices based on subject milestones (visits) and procedures documented by the study coordinators. But what if a contract specifies different payment terms, such as a flat fee when accrual targets are met? Or, what if a contract specifies that additional items are billable to the sponsor, such as monitoring visits? In this webinar you will learn how OnCore's Financials Console and CRA Console can be used to track billable items beyond occurred subject visits.