Emergency Procedures

Planning & Facilities Emergency Procedures


UAHS Building Map 

Safety and Emergency Procedures

UAHS Planning & Facilities prepared a presentation which directs faculty, staff and students on safety and emergency procedures. Please see link below. 

Active Shooter Preparedness: On November 1st, 2022, UAPD hosted an Active Shooter Preparedness session in the HSIB building. Please see link below.

You may also go to one of these web pages for additional information:

Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)

Every department must complete or update their plans annually. The COOP form should be completed via the web form linked below.

Emergency Blue Light Phones

Emergency "Blue Light" phones are located throughout the University of Arizona campus with direct access to University Police.

Evacuation Procedures

UA Risk Management has developed evacuation plans which instruct faculty, staff, students, patients and visitors how to respond in the event that a fire alarm goes off. If you have any questions about these plans or other risk management issues, please visit the UA Risk Management website

  • Click on link to view a building's Evacuation Procedures.
  • Click  UAHS Building Map and determine which Evacuation Procedures are applicable to your area. The link will open a map identifying UAHS buildings by number and/or name. 

If you experience trouble trying to open these documents, hard copies can be obtained by calling 626-4648.

Building Number

Location Covered by the Evacuation Plan

Building 201Arizona Health Sciences Center Basic Sciences & COM Administrative Units  
Building 201, 201.02Arizona Health Sciences Center Clinical Sciences and Steele Children's Research Center
Building 201Clinical Department Administrative Suites
Building 201University Animal Care
Building 201.01Arizona Health Sciences Library 
Building 201.05UA Sarver Heart Center and COM Education Space
Building 202Drachman Hall 
Building 203College of Nursing 
Building 207Skaggs Pharmaceutical Sciences Center
Building 216Health Sciences Innovation Building
Building 241Medical Research Building
Building 221Life Sciences North
Building 222 & 222.01UA Cancer Center
Building 242Biosciences Research Laboratory (BSRL)