Arizona Ramps Up Antibody Tests April 27, 2020 The University of Arizona will soon begin analyzing blood samples from hundreds of thousands of Arizonans to determine who has been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 and developed antibodies against it. Dr. Michael Dake, senior vice president of the University of Arizona Health Sciences, talks about the state’s efforts to ramp up testing for the Covid-19 anti-body. CNBC
Image Nicolas Lopez-Galvez Receives Recognition for Work on Migration and Health April 23, 2020 Read more
Image MD/PhD Student Offers New Approach to Make Walking Easier for Children with Cerebral Palsy April 23, 2020 Third-year student’s Scholarly Project research taps into his biomechanics background to improve and test robotic exoskeleton therapy. Read more
Image New Two-Way Texting System Helps Researchers Track COVID-19 April 23, 2020 Accessible, easy-to-use tool helps provide real-time data about health, before people end up in hospitals or in need of testing. Read more
Image Student Guest Column: Ways to Help During the Pandemic If You Can’t Be on the Front Lines April 23, 2020 Not everyone can volunteer on the health care front lines, but there are other ways to help the community cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more
UArizona Launches COVID-19 Data Gathering Texting System April 22, 2020 The University of Arizona recently launched a texting system called, "AZCOVIDTXT" to help track the health of the surrounding community and keep community members informed during this COVID-19 pandemic. KVOA-TV (NBC) Tucson
Coronavirus and Heart Disease: What Patients Need to Know about COVID-19 April 21, 2020 Experts say heart disease may be particularly worrisome in the era of the new coronavirus. Fearing COVID-19, "patients experiencing a heart attack or stroke are delaying their essential care, causing a new public health crisis,” said Dr. Martha Gulati, chief of cardiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix. Today (NBC)
Image UArizona Launches Two-Way Texting System to Gather and Provide Critical COVID-19 Health Data April 20, 2020 A research team at the University of Arizona Health Sciences and Data Science Institute has launched a crowd-source texting system to gather vital public health data to help fight COVID-19 in Arizona. Read more
The Tests that Could Reopen the Country: How They Work April 20, 2020 Antibody testing will help health experts better assess how many people contracted the novel coronavirus. "As they grow, they'll start to produce the spike protein," University of Arizona immunologist Deepta Bhattacharya said. "You can basically trick the cells into making what you want." USA Today
Image UArizona Nursing Students Gain Telehealth Experience During COVID-19 Pandemic April 16, 2020 The telehealth certificate program at the University of Arizona College of Nursing provides vital clinical experience for students in the Family Nurse Practitioner program. Read more