Research Administration Post-Award
Asset Transfer
Assets Purchased with University Funding
Equipment purchased with any state appropriation or U of A local funds are not eligible for transfer but can be purchased by the new institution based on a depreciated book value.Surplus Property Services will assist in drafting necessary invoices and initiating internal U of A surplus procedures. Contact them at; or (520) 621-1754. Surplus Property Services can assist in determining depreciation values and coordinate departmental signatures.
Assets Purchased with Non-University Funding
The University of Arizona is prohibited by Arizona Revised Statutes from giving away assets without receiving comparable value in return.; however, it is possible for research personnel who have terminated employment with the U of A and who will be employed by another university or college; to transfer research equipment acquired on both current and retired sponsored accounts to their new institution. Equipment may also be transferred on a case-by-case basis or on an exception-approval basis, to federal and non-profit research agencies. The following conditions are required to transfer research equipment to another university or college, a federal agency, or a non-profit organization.
- Equipment must have been purchased entirely with sponsored project grant and contract accounts (3000000-4999990), obtained as government-furnished equipment, or purchased on restricted accounts (non-university funded) for specific researchers.
- Equipment purchases with any state appropriation or U of A local funds are not transfer eligible. The new institution can offer to purchase these items of equipment. Individual items of equipment that are split funded between federal and other fund sources must follow Section 6.10-Sale of University Equipment.
- The equipment is used in the conduct of a research project. The equipment actually applicable to a research project shall be determined by the vice president for research and graduate studies.
- The equipment will be titled to an eligible institution. Under no circumstance will property be transferred to an individual or for-profit organization. Foreign entities are not considered eligible institutions. Transfers to foreign entities must be approved by the sponsor.
- The transferring researcher is the principal or co-principal investigator on the sponsored grant or contract.
The U of A Policy can be found here.
Responsibility | Action |
Principal Investigator |
SPS Propert Administrator |
Principal Investigator |
| |
SPS Property Administrator |
Senior Vice President for Research |
SPS Property Administrator |
FSO-Property Management |
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U of A Health Sciences Research Administration