Progress Report

Research Administration Post-Award

Progress Report

To increase the efficient submission of RPPRs for principal investigators and their teams, U of A Health Sciences pre-award team will notify principal investigators of upcoming RPPRs, provide instructions on how to complete them and provide any needed documents or budgets for the requested budget period.

The post-award administrator will provide the personnel effort and the estimated unobligated balance documents to the principal investigator’s team. The principal investigator (or someone on their team) will then complete the scientific sections of the RPPR and upload all documents to the RPPR module in eRA Commons (this will require delegated access to the RPPR, which we can also provide instructions for granting).

They will also route that RPPR to Carmen Raffensparger, in SPS Post-Award, for submission and email to ensure the RPPR enters their workflow (eRA Commons does not send an automated notification).

This way, the principal investigator is not forced to wait in line behind competing deadlines and endure being delayed due to data uploading. Please email if you or a member of your team will need guidance on the first few times completing an RPPR, but the process is simple and instructions are available at