Health Sciences Grants

Health Sciences Research Awards and Grants

* Award dollars are not included in the clinical trials, as funds are earned based upon completion of study milestones and enrollment.

Title Type $ Amount Activity Investigator Unit Sponsor Date
Screening More Patients for CRC Through Adapting and Refining Targeted Evidence-based Interventions in Rural Settings (SMARTER CRC) Grant 70,179.00 Research Gloria Coronado Epidemiology and Biostatistics Oregon Health and Science University 05/2024
Surveillance and Treatment to Prevent Fetal Atrioventricular Block Likely to Occur Quickly (STOP BLOQ) Grant 200,066.00 Research Bettina Cuneo Surgery New York University 05/2024
Targeting Inflammation and Oxidative Stress to Treat Acute Lung Injury With CNP-miR146a Grant 124,792.00 Research Geoffrey Gurtner Surgery Ceria Therapeutics 05/2024
Targeting P53-Mutated Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Grant 749,993.00 Research Carlos Caulin Otolaryngology Arizona Biomedical Research Centre 05/2024
The Rhythm Evaluation for Anticoagulation with Continuous Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation Trial (REACT-AF) Cooperative Agreement 29,876.00 Research Roderick Tung COM Phx Internal Medicine Northwestern University 05/2024
University of Arizona - Title V Needs Assessment Contract 232,000.00 Other Sponsored Activity John Ehiri Public Health Administration Arizona Department of Health Services 05/2024
A First-in-human, Multicenter, Open-label, Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Phase 1 Study in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors to Evaluate the Safety of Intravenously Administered ALG.APV-527 Contract * Clinical Trial Jennifer Segar Cancer Center Division Aptevo Therapeutics Inc 04/2024
A Multi-Center, Phase IIA, Randomized, Double-Blind, Prospective, Active Placebo- Controlled Trial of Sub-Anesthetic Intravenous Infusion of Ketamine to Treat Levodopa- Induced Dyskinesia in Subjects Contract * Clinical Trial Scott Sherman Neurology PharmaTher Inc (Canada) 04/2024
A Phase 1/2, Safety Lead-in and Dose Expansion, Open-label, Multicenter Trial Investigating the Safety,Tolerability, and Preliminary Activity of Ivosidenib in Combination with Nivolumab and Ipilimumab Contract * Clinical Trial Rachna Shroff Cancer Center Division Servier Pharmacueticals 04/2024
A Phase 2, multicenter, Open-Label, Long-Term Safety Study of LP352 in Subjects with Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy who Completed Study LP352-201 and are Candidates for Continuous Treatmen Contract * Clinical Trial David Labiner Neurology Longboard Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 04/2024
A Phase 2, Randomized, Open-label Study of Onvansertib in Combination with FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab Versus FOLFIRI and Bevacizumab for Second Line Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in Patients Contract * Clinical Trial Aaron Scott Cancer Center Division Cardiff Oncology, Inc. 04/2024
A Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy And Safety of Belimumab Administered Subcutaneously in Adults With Systemic Sclerosis Associate Contract * Clinical Trial Sachin Chaudhary Medicine PPD Investigator Services, LLC. 04/2024
A Prospective, Open Label, Single-Arm, Multi-Center Study Evaluating Cryopreserved Osteochondral Allograft Cores for the Treatment Of Osteochondral Lesions in the Knee Contract * Clinical Trial Thomas Carter COM Phx Orthopedics AlloSource 04/2024
A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Phase III Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ABX464 Once Daily for Induction Treatment in Subjects With Moderately to Severely Act Contract * Clinical Trial Sasha Taleban Medicine IQVIA RDS Inc. 04/2024
A Seamless, Adaptive, Phase 2b/3, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled,Multicenter, International Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Belapectin (GR-MD-02) for the Prevention of Esopha Contract * Clinical Trial Geoffrey Block Liver Research Institute Galectin Therapeutics Inc. 04/2024
Advanced Methods and Software for Trial Sequential Analysis in Living Systematic Reviews Grant 364,114.00 Research Lifeng Lin Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Library of Medicine 04/2024
Biological Function and Regulation of PRMT9 in Synapse Development Grant 128,937.00 Research Shenfeng Qiu COM Phx Basic Medical Sci Beckman Research Institute of The City of Hope 04/2024
Computer Modeling of Myosin Binding Protein C and Its Effects on Cardiac Contraction Grant 126,750.00 Research Brett Colson Cellular & Molecular Medicine Case Western Reserve University 04/2024
Connexins as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Vascular Malformation Grant 15,299.00 Research Jose Ek Vitorin Physiology University of California, Irvine 04/2024
Deep-Learning Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Vancomycin Grant 29,054.00 Research Bijun Kannadath COM Phx Internal Medicine Houston Methodist Research Institute 04/2024

* Award dollars are not included in the clinical trials, as funds are earned based upon completion of study milestones and enrollment.